FOUND YOU ↠ Bucky Barnes

11 1 0

Words: 142
Warnings: None


"Y/n?" Bucky's voice crackled through the comms.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you stabbed another HYDRA agent, running through the doors and into the woods. "I just got out."

Bullets pierced the ground by your feet and you took off running, weaving in and out of trees and hoping you didn't crash headfirst.

"Y/n? I'm coming for you, stay where you are."

"Kinda difficult with agents on my tail," you grunted, ducking into an outcropping.

They ran past, following a running figure in the distance. You recognized it as Natasha.

Someone walked towards you, and you pulled out my gun, fingering the trigger.

"Found you," he said softly, and you recognized Bucky.

"Never doubted it," you smiled.


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