Authors Note

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I am sorry but this isn’t an update. I just lost my grandfather to a tough battle of cancer. He was very close to me and he practically raised me as I was growing up. He has been my influence to help me be the best I could be. He has always encouraged me to do what I have put my mind to, and without him, I wouldn’t be on this site, sharing my stories and fanfictions. He was a great man, and the greatest grandfather I could have ever asked for. He gave me more than enough, and I can’t thank him enough for all that he has done for me.

Anyways, I don’t know when I will be able to update so to be fair to you all, I wanted to give you a sneak peak to the next chapter, and I wanted to dedicate the next chapter to my influence. My grandfather.


She saw his eyes go from the glamoured dark brown to the empty tunnels of black. “You will love me, Clarissa. You’ll learn to. I will make sure of that. Don’t underestimate me.”

“What are you going to do to me? I mean I am pregnant. There isn’t anything that you can do to hurt me that won’t hurt the baby. And you won’t take that chance. So go ahead, hit me.” Clary smirked at him, taking a few steps forward to closer to him, challenging him.

He raised his hand and went to back hand her, but when his hand made contact against her face, he was thrown away holding his scorching and smoking hand. The scent of burning flesh was filling the room. Clary smiled, “I guess my baby has some power that came from some experiments. And this child already loves me. And hates you.”

Sebastian raised his hand again. But thought better of it and put it back down. “Expect to see me again, Clarissa, for I’m not done with you.”

He disappeared just as fast as he had appeared. Clary smiled and chuckled. Looking in the mirror again, she observed her cheek. She had a red handprint across her face. She smiled and rested her hand over her belly, rubbing her flat belly gently.


Thank you. I hope you all understand my reasoning for the incomplete update, but I hope you are excited to read the next chapter. I apologize again for not updating, but I will update when I can.

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