Movie Day?

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Jace walked Clary up the steps to Magnus's apartment after he buzzed them in. Well, only Clary, Magnus didn't know Jace was there. When Magnus answered the door he was wearing a silk robe with the odd alien slippers, the ones with the antenna sticking up. Chairman meow was staring at them and ran at the aliens.

"Ouch! What is he doing here? I thought it was only going to be us," Magnus said.

"It is. My mom was worried and made him follow me, he found me at the store and said he would walk me here and then walk back to the Institute with me later. "

"Well, this is sweet and all but we have Spiderman to watch," Magnus said as he grabbed Clary's wrist. Clary leaned over to kiss Jace goodbye before the door shut.

After Magnus slammed the door in Jace's face, he dragged Clary over to the couch and sat her down, he grabbed the bag and went straight for the Rocky Road.

"Rocky Road. Huh, just like my life," Magnus sighed.

"What's wrong you looked a little relieved a second ago?"

"Well, it's just that Jace is Alec's Parabatai, his brother and best friend, he reminds me too much of Alec when I see him," Magnus explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry I would have told you but I didn't even know he was following me, I'm not much of a Shadowhunter, huh. I can't even tell when I'm being followed," Clary said sadly.

"Oh, hunny, don't even worry about that, it takes time Clary. You just need more training, that's all, okay?"

Magnus was trying to comfort her she thought, good he is feeling needed, let's keep going.

"Magnus, it's been such a long time, I mean yeah I'm good with a sword, but it's bad when you don't even know when you need to use it." Clary was really good at fake crying, Simon told her she could be an actress if she really tried, and she started making the tears flow.

"Clary. Clary, don't cry sweetie, that's my job," Magnus was trying to lighten the mood. "So, what's new, anything?"

"Not really. I was hoping something would happen, almost anything I could take, just one change. I think that's what I need right now." Clary said.

"I'm glad you feel that way because you will be coming with me," a voice came from around the corner, Clary turned and saw hair as white as snow. She remembered when she had first seen him with the pale fair hair, he reminded her of snow white in the glass coffin. Sebastian, or Jonathon, her worst nightmare, her brother.

Jace was walking into the Institute when he saw Jocelyn who was running at him, dying for answers.

"Where did Clary go? Did you find out? Luke still won't tell me." Jocelyn sounded anxious.

"She is with Magnus, she is alright, she just went to the store to get a movie and some ice cream for them, and she is fine. I wouldn't leave her if she wasn't, you know that," Jace said trying to calm Clary's anxious mother down.

"Good. She is okay." Jocelyn looked so relieved.

"What is wrong, you look as if you have just seen a ghost?"

"I think it is time Luke, you and I had a talk. He has to ask you something" Jace looked shocked to see her being so kind to him. She was finally warming up to him.

Clary had her sword out and pointed directly at her brother's chest. He looked a little nervous too.

"Wow, little sister, big sword, little girl. I am surprised." Sebastian had a devilish smile on his face, it made Clary want to smack it off.

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