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Thank you to all of my reader. I needed some time to grieve for my grandpa. I thank you for not being pushy and telling me to update and not pushing me to update any faster. I am feeling a lot better. As good as I can feel right now. Of course it still hurts, but I have to let go. Thank you again for not pushing me. Here is what you have all been waiting for.

After changing out of her dress, Clary put on her sweats and one of Jace's long sleeved shirts and took off her makeup. Looking in the full body mirror, she looked over herself like she had done many times within the past few days. She tried to imagine herself with a giant belly, fuller breasts, swollen feet and hands, and a glowing complexion. It was all hard to wrap her mind around.

The door creaked open, appealing her hearing and making her turn quickly.

"How sweet. You're admiring yourself in the mirror. Vanity must be an important aspect in your mind. Isn't it?" His hair was reflecting in the light. White on white.

"What do you want from me now?" Clary asked, her voice laced with venom. "And how did you get in here?"

"You doubt me, Clarissa." Sebastian crossed the room to stand next to her dresser and leaning against it, resting his weight on his elbow. He looked on the back of the closet door seeing her dress. Brushing his fingers across the silk champagne fabric, "I wish I could have seen this dress on you up close. I can see that the color of it will bring out the color of your hair and eyes. Quite beautiful."

"What do you want?" Clary asked through gritted teeth.

"I wanted to see you. And the baby of course, as the child is mine. Indisputably my child. I wanted to check up on you two." Sebastian took a step closer to her as Clary took a step back.

It dawned on her. If he thinks that the baby could only be his; that means he didn't know about her and Jace. That meant that she could use that to her advantage. "Jace will treat the baby like his own. You don't know how to love anyone. You can't. You're incapable of loving anyone. Besides, neither I nor the child could ever love you back. It's impossible to love you. Just ask our mother." Clary was trying to get a rise out of him. She wanted to know if the baby could really protect her. She wanted him to hit her. She wanted him to get angry, and that meant that Jace and everyone else would come up to the room after hearing the commotion.

She saw his eyes go from the glamoured dark brown to the empty tunnels of black. "You will love me, Clarissa. You'll learn to. I will make sure of that. Don't underestimate me."

"What are you going to do to me? I mean I am pregnant. There isn't anything that you can do to hurt me that won't hurt the baby. And you won't take that chance. So go ahead, hit me." Clary smirked at him, taking a few steps forward to closer to him, challenging him.

He raised his hand and went to back hand her, but when his hand made contact against her face, he was thrown away holding his scorching and smoking hand. The scent of burning flesh was filling the room. Clary smiled, "I guess my baby had some power that came from some experiments. And this child already loves me. And hate you."

Sebastian raised his hand again. But thought better of it and put it back down. "Expect to see me again, Clarissa, for I'm not done with you."

He disappeared just as fast as he had appeared. Clary smiled and chuckled. Looking in the mirror again, she observed her cheek. She had a red handprint across her face. She smiled and rested her hand over her belly, rubbing her flat belly gently.

He was in his sanctuary now. What could the child do? Is that all it was capable of? Or could it be like him and still love her? "Maureen!"

The little blonde vampire came skipping in the room, "Yes, Sebastian?"

City of Heavenly Fire: My VersionWhere stories live. Discover now