I Am Found

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After Clary and Isabelle had walked out of the Institute, Clary grabbed her arm. "I changed my mind. Let's go drink and dance. We can do whatever we want, but I have a feeling that Alec might tell Magnus about us going to the Pandemonium, and they might tell Jace. Besides, I'm not so angry anymore, I just want to have some fun."

Isabelle nodded her head and smiled, "Okay. I have an idea of where we could go. It isn't too far, and I don't think they would even consider that we would go there." Isabelle said, pulling Clary across the street.

Clary smiled, "Where is it?"

Isabelle continued dragging her on, "It's a club, and we can use a glamour to get in. Do you remember that werewolf, the one that sent me the video of you punching out Kaelie?"

"Yeah... What about him?" Clary asked genuinely confused.

"Well, he has been texting me; he wants me to help him get a date with this guy, but he doesn't want his friends to know. Anyway, he is a bartender, and he will give us free drinks in a heartbeat."

"Aww. Isabelle that is so nice of you," with sincerer eyes, "Well, I'm game, let's go!" Clary shouted excitedly and began pulling Isabelle. "What's it called?"

Isabelle chuckled at her enthusiasm, "It's called Graffiti Ally. It's the coolest and most known club/bar in New York." (Not a real place)

"I think I have seen it. Let's go then! I am super excited!" Clary laughed and started pulling Isabelle along.

Now they were dancing in the club of flashing lights and sweaty bodies. The scent of alcohol was everywhere, including on them. Throughout the night they had been going back and forth between the dance floor and the bar.

Deciding they needed more to drink, they went back over to the bar, looking for their new friend, Vince. "Vince! Vincent! VINCE!" Clary called out giggling.

Vince appeared behind the bar. He was a big guy. He was tan, had dark brown hair and dark blue eyes that brightened in the strobe lights and black lights. He was wearing a black T-shirt that barely covered his large muscles.

He was holding a bottle of crown when he laughed at them as they sat up at the bar. They weren't stumbling or off balance, but they were both very giggly, making Vince laugh. "More?" he asked holding out the bottle tequila.

The two girls nodded in excitement. Vince laughed and set down shot glasses in two rows of six, filling them up. "Go for it." he said as Clary and Isabelle both picked up the first shot.

Clary was on her fifth by the time that Isabelle was on her third, wanting it to hit her fast and like a punch to the face. When Clary finished her sixth, Isabelle started her sixth and finished it in a second. Clary started giggling, not because it was effecting her so much, but because she beat Isabelle.

She was shocked that she beat Isabelle, but she was more disappointed that it wasn't doing much to her, and she couldn't explain why. She didn't feel nauseous, she was getting dizzier, but her stomach had nothing going on inside of it. It was as if her stomach was going untouched by intoxicating beverage. She remembered the last time she drank, it was months ago, and it was like that too. She couldn't explain it. The first time she drank, she puked in a bush. But the times later, after she started Shadowhunter training and after she had that Faerie drug, it didn't hit her stomach like it did to her head.

Putting it off as the training, she let it go, but it didn't mean that it didn't sometimes pester her brain with the question as to why.

Of course giving her the effect she had wanted, not a curious sick feeling, but seconds later the room began spinning, not so bad that Clary couldn't walk in a straight line, only the spinning, it was giving her a headache. She started giggling again. After thanking Vince, she pulled Isabelle back to the dance floor. Leaving Vince laughing at the bar as he watched them dance to Tyga, Make It Nasty

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