***Isha P.O.V
"You both have lost your mind. I told everything to Fahad because I know you won't be able to confess to him. It was not his fault nor yours. Though I hated him, I don't think that it's his fault. You both deserve to live with each other," Abiha said loudly making me shut my ears.
"What do you want me to do? Begged him to stay in the relationship when he doesn't want me. Why he is so guilty now? I don't understand him," I said in a frustrated tone.
Abiha massaged her forehead with her fingers and let out a heavy sigh.
"Do you even understand what are you saying? You both can save the relationship but you are not even trying to do that. Tomorrow you may get a divorce from each other and you both will be practically strangers. Your relationship will be destroyed. You still have a chance, Isha. You both are not even thinking of Azaan," Abiha let out a frustrated sigh as she was arguing with me.
"He told me that he won't even come near Azaan. I will get complete custody and I will be far away from their life," I said in a low voice while tears spilled from my eyes.
She looks at me with worried eyes as she sat beside me.
"Look Isha, I care about you a lot. You are my best friend. I was always there to support you and I will continue to support you. You know I have gone through so many things in my life. People often misunderstood me because I am too honest. My nani told me that my father was very abusive. He used to beat my mom almost every day and scold her for little things. My mother was very helpless at that time. She was not educated nor she was financially stable. She didn't know how to take a stand for herself. My father used to beat my mom even when she was pregnant with me. He was alcoholic," Abiha let out a forced chuckle as tears spilled from her eyes.
I squeezed her hands and she continued.
"My mother used to tolerate everything. She was very patient. She used to cry daily in sujood. Just like that, she passed away. Once my mother was talking to her cousin who came from Dubai, my father loses his temper. He beat my mother till she got blood all over her head. He blamed my mother for cheating on him. My mother gained the confidence and asked for a divorce. But he never gave her the freedom. While he was bedding other women. He was the worst father anyone could ask for," Abiha put her palm on her mouth as a sob escaped her lips.
"Such people don't deserve forgiveness, Isha. They deserve the worst death. They deserve to rot in hell. Forgiving is not easy. And I don't think that I can ever forgive my father. But we should forgive the one who deserved it. Fahad deserves it, Isha. Even after everything happened, he never raised his hands on you let alone calling you names. I know he did worst and he got his punishments. But he doesn't deserve this now. It wasn't his fault. You would have done the same if you were in his place. Even though he didn't know the truth, he was ready to forgive you and start a new life with you. Do you want to leave such a man who can do anything for you? You are losing a gem, Isha. I have never met such a selfless man like him," Abiha holds my hand and said looking into my eyes.
"Tell me what do you want? Do you want to divorce him?" She added making me burst into tears.
My heart churned as an ill feeling replaced in my heart.
"I don't want a divorce. I don't want to leave him," I hiccuped as I wrapped my arms around her.
A smile broke on her face and she consoled me.
"Then what's stopping you. Go and tell your husband how much you love him. Tell him that you will break his teeth if he will ask for a divorce," Abiha encourage me and a chuckle escaped my lips as tears were rolling down my cheeks.

RomanceSequel to MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE Two years later, Isha becomes an independent woman and works in a leading company in the UK. Life was too perfect for her until the storm came. The storm broke all the silence. The storm opens up all the mystery. She met...