Chapter 7: A Rough start..

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"What is she doing here..?"

Last time on New Recruits..

Alex, Simon and the Booths showed up to one of the twins apartments. They wanted information on who was framing Alex...

They wanted answers and fast...

"Listen Raina..we need your help..Alex is in trouble and-" She cut Simon off.

"I will not help her nor will my sister..she caused the explosion.."

"Raina...please Alex didn't do it..she was framed we seen footage of her before and after the bombing happened.. she was drugged and kidnapped in plain sight under blind eye.." Dante said as he stepped forward cautiously.

"It's truth we need to know where your sister is's urgent..she may be a lead to finding out the next person..." Ryan spoke.

"Fine...but I can't give away too much or-.."

"Why are they here??" We all turned to see Nimah standing there confused and shocked.




"Alright everyone listen up..we're doing things a little differently today..."

Everyone was sitting in there seats as they said it was going to be different...

After the whole bar situation... I wasn't expecting another thing..I looked around for Alex but same time I knew where she might be...

I sighed as I slouched a little in my seat Shelby noticed and patted my leg. We both had that feeling..

The doors opened and we seen Alex...the room gave off the coldest vibes and hatred.. I sat up and leaned on my elbows.

"Alex glad you can join us.." Alex nodded and took her seat we caught a glance but looked away as Miranda continued on.

"Today we will be practicing or should I say creating a different persona. "

"I'm sure Alex gotten that down packed.." someone said I wanted to laughed but Alex poked her cheek with her tongue. Others giggled and smirked.

"Guys..settle now you can either choose a partner or I will assign you one.. you have 24 hours to submit your resume and soon present them. Now get to it.." Miranda said as she had her assistants hand out the little journals.

Everyone starred partnering up I noticed Alex sitting alone I gotten up. I head over to her.

"Mind I team with you?" I said she scoffed as she looked up at me..

"Surprised...honestly but sure you can.." I sat down beside her as she tried to ask me questions about different things as I did the same. I also noticed Simon tried to talk with the twins but seemed a little fishy..

Throughout the entire day everyone was working on it. Some finished before hand and turned it in. I was almost done as well as Alex.

We submitted ours and left to continue our training. Liam showed up I'm sure he wanted to speak to Alex.. I tapped her shoulder nodded my head towards Liam.

She waved it off as she and I went to go spare.

"Surprised you didn't go for it...I'm sure you'd want to talk to him..."

"Very funny but no I have no need for him honestly.." I was shocked and confused but played it off as we started to spare.



"Raina...why are these people here?" I felt the angry and nervousness from her as I stepped up.

"Listen Raina were trying to find out who is framing Alex...she needs our help we're you want to or not...this is a mixed up sort of game we're dealing with.."

"Dante...please.. I can't help her as much I appreciate it she is nothing but a liar to me..we were doing our best to do our part as trainees but seems it was not worth it.."

"Raina please all I'm asking is to give me a clarification about any leads to this.." Alex showed her the wire that she gotten from her apartment..

Raina looked at it given she knows something about this..Ryan went to the door and closed it in case she'd run...never seen someone look so scared and afraid...

"Where did this come from??" She asked quietly. I stepped up behind Alex as I spoke.

"Found it discarded on a roof above Alex's apartment...chased someone down yet, they manage to escape...please this is important not only it'll save us all it'll clear Alex's name.." Raina looked at us glaring as wires seemed to work in her head.

"Don't blame us for this how do we not know you didn't just plant it-"

"Enough!!!" I snapped they looked at me as I sighed. I crouched by Raina.

"Alex wasn't there at the time we seen footage of her heading to HQ within the hours before the bomb...she was out of sight...kidnapped.." I said Ryan nodded as Raina looked at us then out the window.

"She's in there...she's with the person that could possibly be apart of this...I'm not entirely sure.." I felt some relief as I thanked her we set up a plan to listen in on the house across from us to get info on who is responsible.

This time we're catching the people who blew up grand central...


Everyone soo so sorry for the delayed post!! I tried my best to continue the story as I should. Gotten writer's block then moved to a whole other state working like crazy. But currently trying to get back into writing.

Plus I've noticed that I may or may not have errors but hey that's being a human.

Anyways I'll try to continue this story best I can..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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