Chapter 4- The Future.

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Simon, Elisia, and I drove to the location to find Alex. An anonymous caller call as I picked it up.


"Dante. It's me...did you do it?"

"We did. It's hooked up. You should be able to see the whole system."


I walked to my laptop to see multiple screens pop up.

"I'm in."

"Alright, we'll see you soon."

"Good. Hurry Dante. We have to move..we don't have much time."

"I'm know..Alex..we'll see what we can do.."

I hung up the phone as I sat down with Shelby looking at the cameras.
We kept watch as I waited for something to happen.

There must be something...


"We should be able to reach the location a couple of more blocks. I'm still paranoid that we had to bring her along.."

"Relax. I know it's risky...we have no choice. Right Elisia?" I said looking at her. She was bitting her nails looking out the window.


We arrived as I told them to wait and look out. I headed inside and up to the room. I knocked on the door waiting.

The door opened as I was embraced by Alex but pulled inside quickly. She closed the door as I walked around then noticed Shelby.

I nodded my head. Turning to Alex.

" far what do you got? Any leads?"

"Not so much far is the cameras unless you found something we couldn't see."

"So's normal...we can't do anything with him watching."

"So zero...damnit..okay. I'll call Simon and see if he can work something out."

I pulled out my phone dialing Simon. I told him the plan. I hugged Alex and waved goodbye as I walked out and down to the truck.

I saw Elisia was gone as I looked at Simon.

"Where is she?"

"Relax she's in the bathroom she'll be back."

I sighed waiting for her as Simon climbed in she came out and got in not speaking to me. I got in as well as we drove off.

I'm starting to second guess about her..not feeling safe about this..

We arrived at the Bureau as we checked in. I went to Caleb asking him what he found.

And of course nothing has came up. I glanced at all the screens. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I turned around seeing Ryan.


"Hey brother..nice to see you working on a case. Follow me." I swallowed hard as I followed him. We went into an office.

"Why am I here? What do you want Ryan?"

"Calm down, I know you're saving Alex..I want to help." I stared him down as he looked at me. I rubbed my chin pacing slowly.

"So...just I don't know out of the want to help? Why? I Is it because you heard what happened to your ex?"

He stared at me trying not to cause a scene. I glared back at him.

"Alright...alright I heard about..but I really do wanna help her..I found a few things to get her closer but it's risky to do this.."

"What is it? Just give it to me and the rest of us will do it without you.." I said holding my hand out. Ryan sighed shaking his head.

"I don't know why I I'm trying to cover up your ass but yet you still can't stay calm. Relax. Alex and everyone else will get this. We have to be patient...time is slipping yes but damnit you running around like crazy doesn't help."

"Well I'm trying to get her some leads. She's just a sitting duck waiting to be killed Ryan! And I'm doing the best I can to protect her."

"You don't think I see that Dante! I want to protect her too. Just because you lost Marie doesn't mean you can't take it out on me!"


"Admit it. It is about her."

"Fuck off. This isn't about Marie! I'm protecting Alex because you made a promise to her and to me! So stop the stupid bullshit..if you really wanna help...stop..we can handle this."


"Enough Ryan!! Enough..please."

Ryan sighed giving me the file as I took it walking out. I wiped my mouth as I went to Simon. I handed him the file telling him what it was and why we need it.

I rubbed my forehead as everything happens in front of me. My phone buzzed as I seen a number and answered it.



"Ryan gave me a fil-"

"Ryan? His still around?"

I sighed keeping my head down.

"Yes Ryan. He gave me a file that may have more evidence of this whole thing, but we're gonna have to move fast."

"Alright. Set it up and get back to me please."

"I promise you I will Alex. I'm on it." I looked around before heading out taking another car driving off as Simon tapped the file to my phone.

I arrived at the place knocking again as I rushed in. I went to her laptop wiring the file into the program. Alex looked over my shoulder seeing everything.

She was amazed and hugged me. Now we're getting somewhere. I looked over the files then called Simon.

" far..we're picking pieces that leads closer to what happened at Grand Central."

" that..a receipt? It was just recent. Paint, sprayers, aersonal..this isn't just evidence..."

"There's another bomb out there.." I said as I stared up at Alex. We looked at the receipt again as I sat back.

We thought a moment till we heard voices. I got up grabbing my phone as Alex packed up we headed out and down the stairs and through the back door.

Cops started coming in as we escaped the building but ran through the alleys. No way is a car safe for an escape.

I called Ryan telling him the situation. He didn't hesitate to come get us. He arrived at the spot where we were as we got in and drove off.

"I knew this was a risk..yet you didn't listen..."

"Not now Ryan just drive." We heard bullets firing at the truck. Ryan swerved through the streets.

We had the proof now we just need the person...

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