Chapter 3- The Past

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Weeks went by since Ryan left..His brother did what everyone else has done he's now doing the lie test...that killed our last agent.

Caleb was doing his intergeation, I suggest that I would do it but of course Caleb had to jump in.

Cameras and mics all set up and Dante sitting in his chair. His face looking calm and at ease.

When Caleb walked and sat Dante looked at him then rolled his eyes.

"So, Dante I noticed you took Ryan's spot any reason why?"

Dante rolled his eyes while signing.

"They needed another recruit so I signed up when I heard I got in I was excited."

"Why did you want to be here? Just to be here to fill in for Ryan?"

"Nope I wanted to be an FBI agent. I want to protect my country. I'm not in it just cause I'm bored I'm in it to prove myself and show I can do the job."

"Anything else Caleb? More questions to irritate me?"

Caleb grunted and stood up walking out Dante got up also and walked out then next group went in.

Shelby and Marie.

"So miss Marie, what made you decide to do a job dangerous as this and follow up who motivated you?"

"I wanted to do this job because I really got interested in criminal investigation and serving the police force. The person who motivated me was my mother...she died when I was 10 and she always want to succeed and live big. I'm doing this for her..I don't want to fail for her..."

I sat listening to the story I can relate to her...I lost my father...A decorated agent he tried to kill my mother and possibly me too.

Dante came in and sat beside me; he looked so much like Ryan but younger.

"So I see you're glad to be out of there."

"Yea thing was stupid anyway..but it's the rules."

"Ryan would be proud of you."

"Yea...He tells me all the time on Skype he misses you like crazy. His working with the FBI with his ex wife..hate that woman."

"Wait his still here? In the city just 20 minutes away?"

"Yea. Why he didn't tell you that?"

I sat back arms folded looking at my desk.

That asshole..I'll talk to him later about it..

"No he didn't..but I'll talk to him later."

"Oook.." he said as he looked forward with guilt on his face, hope I didn't make it awkward...

"An-anyway how's working as a recruit going for you?"

"Actually it's not that bad, I thought it was cause of being new and all and not catching up on everything."

"Well glad it's working for you." I looked passed him and saw a girl staring at the back of his head smiling dreamingly like a little school girl.

I smiled and whispered to Dante he had a little admire. He turned around to see but she looked away.

I smiled to myself remembering Ryan looked at me like that...those were the days...but I have to move on.

Liam dismissed us basically we were free for the rest of the day. Dante hung out with me, Shelby, Caleb, Simon, and the twins.

Caleb kept staring down Dante which was irritating me. I pretend I accidentally kicked his leg making him look at me.

"Kickful much? Geeze Alex tried to take my leg out."

"My bad I had to stretch them. Started to cramp up you know."

He glared at me a little before turning to Shelby. He told her something got up and walked away.

Shelby was confused but shrugged and paid attention to the twins telling a story.

Dante was picking at his food barely eating. Ryan always told me the boy likes to eat...something must be really bothering him.

I nudged his arm a bit he smiled a little but it didn't convince me.

"What's wrong you barely ate."

"Oh...I'm...not hungry."

"Tell me what's wrong I know you are lying."

He sighed running his fingers through his hair looking at his plate.

'It's just Caleb kept looking at he tried to drill holes in my head."


"He wants me to crack his digging in my files to find anything he can hold against me."

"You don't do you?" I asked him he shook his head.

Why would Caleb look through his file to make him crack if there's nothing in it?

I thought about it. Something doesn't add up. Unless Caleb likes to kill people or make them lose it.

"Well don't let him get in your head ok? He just wants attention."

"I guess I just tired of him bugging me."


We both laughed and continued eating.

As the day went on I would make sure that Dante would pass each subject and obstacle that was thrown at him. I also kept a close eye on Caleb, he can never leave the kid alone.

Something didn't add up...

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