Chapter 2- The Future

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New York city 9:50:

Dante's POV:

'Dante please help're the only one I'm trusting now the police and everyone thinks I'm the terrorist.'

I sighed while looking around talking to Alex. I was standing in the bureau working with FBI, but little did they know I was helping Alex.

"Alright, alright I'll help but I'm gonna send Elisia, I trust her and so should you." I whispered into the phone while pretending I'm yelling at someone.

"Thank you Dante, and your brother would be proud of you." She said I sighed and put the phone away without ending it.

Caleb walked up to me with folders and started talking to me about the cameras and what he seen I shook my head when he said he was going on break.

I lifted the phone to my ear and heard Alex yell about it.

"Yes, Alex he is the one who's controlling the cameras. I'll have Simon hack into them to get you through."

'Ok remember..Dante I'm counting on you."

I sighed and hung up. I walked over to Simon and told him about what I wanted to do. Then I went to talk to Elisia, which is gonna be harder.

I tapped her shoulder, she turned and looked at me. "Yes Dante what's up?"

"I need a huge favor Ellie,-"

"Don't call me that. But what is it Booth?"

"I need you to help me with Alex she is trusting me to help her...and I only trust you..and I know you can help."

She looked at me shocked then looked down. She sighed and looked up at me squinting her eyes at me to see if I'm lying I showed no emotion she sighed again and agreed.

"Alright meet me in the back will drive to the location, and I'm trusting you won't rat me out right?" She shook her head at me and promised even crossed her heart.

I sighed and thanked her and walked away.

I gotta think of a way to make sure I'm not followed.

I seen Simon give me a look telling me his got it and started to head out. I did the same with Elisia and walked out. I waited till she came out she didn't seem comfortable with it I reassured, and she got in with me and we rode away with Simon.

I looked back making sure we weren't followed...I hope we clear Alex's name, and stop whoever is doing it.

(Short yes ik sorry but hey its good yea? Till next time Turt is out!




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