Chapter 6: The Past and Present.

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After the dance Alex and I joined the others in a game of drunken pool. The first group already started awhile back to the point they were about to fall over.

I thought about it then went to ask Alex then her phone ranged. She and I looked at the caller ID it was Liam. After what she told me about finding out her father's secret and Liam's...I wasn't too happy.

She said it would only take a minute..turns out she had to leave ASAP..

I sighed as I drunk the rest of my beer and went to chill with Simon and the twins. Alex watched me then rushed out the door. Shelby noticed as she went over to me and gave a side hug.

"Everything alright Dante? Where was Alex going?" I shook my head as I told her she went to rescue Liam from over drinking himself. She shook her head then went to Caleb.

Alex's POV:

I drove to the location Liam was at as the bartender seen me and waved me over. I seen Liam slumped over the bar drunk as a skunk. He tried to order more to drink, but the bartender waved him off. I walked to him and grabbed his shoulder.

He was shocked at first then was confused on why I was here.

"You're drunk let's go." I said he waved his hand at me as I grabbed his keys, phone, and coat and tried to get him to the car. He tried to fight back as I didn't let him.

I managed to drag him out of the bar and into his car. I took a sigh then heard someone behind me.

"Man..his really out of it.." I gasped and seen Dante behind me. I panicked a little as I straightened myself out.

"What are you doing here? Did you follow me?" He shook his head I looked at him still then looked back at Liam passed out.

I turned to Dante and asked if he wanted to help me. He nodded and took his car to follow me to Liam's house to drop him off.

After I gotten Liam inside and in bed I followed Dante outside and into his car to pick up mine. He took peeks at me while looking at the road and around. I felt tension between us.

"Dante I know you're staring but it is not what you think?" I asked he scratched his chin shaking his head. I rolled my eyes looking at him again.

"Dante Im telling you the truth..." He scoffed and looked at me before looking at the road.

"You telling the truth? Wow that's something what I wanna know is why you sneaking around with Liam?? Don't act like you're not!" I looked at him in pure shock and disbelief, but he..was right.

I looked away from him as he left me speechless. No man has ever left me speechless besides Ryan..

Now his brother is taking his place.. I looked at him as he didn't bother looking at me.

"I'm not sleeping with him Dante, I'm trying to gain information on my father..and I know there's something else.." Dante knew I was lying on somethings but not the part about my father.

"Keep telling yourself you're not fucking him...if I tell Ryan about this he would be disappointed and hurt." He played that card..

He really just played that card..I glared at him as he pulled up to the bar. He waited for me to get out. Then an idea popped into my head.

I grabbed his face and smashed my lips to his. He panicked as he pulled away from me confused and shocked.

"What the hell are you doing?!? Why did you just kiss me?!?"

"Tell Ryan and I'll tell him you kissed me and try to make a move.."

"Bullshit he knows I wouldn't." He thought I bluff but I pulled out my phone getting ready to dial. I felt him panic as he stuttered and told me not to. I got him right where I want him. Manipulation is best thing in tricking people..


Dante, Ryan, and I looked at the receipts again and founded that it didn't have the twins names on them. We kept looking and scrolling even looked at finger prints of everyone who could've done it..

No trace..what I was told the prints belonged to me, however I cut my finger during a special trust training. After I betrayed and lost trust with everyone..

Everyone hated me after that and they still on edge with me about it now..Dante watched the door and windows making sure no one was in.

Suddenly Simon turned to me and spoke. He asked us to cause a diversion because the alarms went off. My eyes widen as he smirked at me I raised my gun at him glaring as he told us to go. At this rate The Booths and I are suspects or me actually..

I had to fake hit Simon as we ran for the door I had to be behind the booths holding their guns to their back. We gotten out and ran for the truck.

We hopped in and sped off as Simon held his jaw when the guards came in. He risked himself again for us..

A true friend..

"Dante! Hey Dante I need to talk to you!" I yelled as he turned around to look at me. He sipped on his drink raising an eyebrow.

I don't blame him everyone didn't want to talk to me nor look at me after the whole incident, but somehow... he didn't turn on me.

After everyone found truth about me and learned that I given out their secrets and current situations. I admit I was disgusted by my actions but I had to gain some knowledge...

He rolled his eyes not happy either as he spat out," what'd yah want? Here to spill more lies?" He said I felt a little hurt by the comment. I didn't think he say it but I couldn't blame him...

"Dante please...listen I'm sorry...I just needed more-"

"Save it. Save the bullshit alright?" I was silent.

"You sold us out... we wanted those kept secret because we rather keep it under the brother left because of you spilling his secret!!! Do you have any fucking idea of how fucked up this?!" He said I looked at him blinking a little.

"Dante.." He walked away shaking his head. I never felt alone like this.. I know I'm a lone wolf but this...this was different..


"Dante take a right here..this is the place.." Dante pulled into the alleyway and we gotten out we looked around before heading inside. We saw Simon waiting for us as he waved us over.

He knocked on the door as we heard someone yell come in. Sitting in the middle of the floor was one of the twins...and he had something draped over her head. She slowly gotten up to greet who entered but when she spotted me she said...

"What is she doing here..."


Hey hey fellow readers!!!

I do apologize for the long wait I really am working finishing up my degree and trying to keep my brain running is rough.

Also being cautious of the pandemic.

Mental health too..anyways I know most were waiting for the story and here it is I manage to get to this episode if anyone recalls but I have to continue the rest..

Kinda been slacking a little..

But!! But!! Don't worry!! I'm not giving up just yet!! I've been writing but I'm only posting one at a time..

Don't believe? Trust the process I'm not the best with writing, but I'm doing my best!!

So here is one for now but I shall be posting more for my other stories maybe even new ones.

Till then


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