Chapter 1- The Past.

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Alex's POV:

I should've known...I should've fucking known. How the hell could he do that to me?

Anyways I'm Alex Parrish I came to Quantico nine months ago. I learned the truth about my father and Ryan..and the FBI agency.

I sat in my room reading some files, till I heard commotion outside. I got up and ran with Shelby behind me.

We opened the door to see Caleb messing with I guess a new agent. Ryan came and pulled Caleb off.

"Enough Caleb, why you messing with the recruit? Shouldn't you be worrying about other things?" Ryan said as Caleb shrugged him off and stormed away sending out curses.

Ryan helped the kid up While I walked over to them.

"Hey you alright kid?" He looked at me and nodded his head. He looked a little bit like Ryan to me, except the kid had light blonde hair, more blonde then Shelby's.

I studied him and everything I noticed Ryan saw me.

"His my little brother. His taking my place.." I looked at Ryan shocked and confused.

"Why? Where are you going?"

"I'm quitting the job and gonna stay with my family in Cali. So Dante here is gonna take my place."

I was still shocked then looked at the boy behind him.

He is so young why him?

"Ryan his just a baby how is he gonna make it here?"

"Relax Alex he will, I trained him while he joined the army when I was released. Which was two years ago."

I stood there and processed the information in my head. How old was he when he joined?

" old are you..?" I asked curious he looked at Ryan then me and swallowed.

"I'm 21 miss."

I nodded my head, then my eyes went wide. "Wait... You were in the army at 19?" He nodded and looked down.

I looked at Ryan shocked he shrugged and led Dante to his new room. I turned and looked back at Shelby she was shocked as I was as she walked back to the room.

An hour later:

I walked out and leaned against the wall as Ryan came out with his bags. He looked at me and sighed I straightened up and walked to him.

"I guess this is it huh? I hope you can help him Alex and I pray he helps you. His a good kid, he dreamt to be and FBI agent now his getting his dream."

I nodded and went to hug him, he hugged me then pulled away grabbing his bags and handing me his dogtags.

I looked at them then him.

"Keep em I got other tags. Take care of yourself Alex see you later."

I keep myself from crying but one tear slipped. He wiped it away and kissed my forehead before leaving.

I sighed and looked at his old room with his brother's name on it.

Dante Booth

I promised him I would help him and I promised myself he do the same, but I was thinking how to do it. I walked back into my room and sat on my bed.

I held the tags in my hand and broke down crying. I never cried this much in my life, Shelby came over and hugged me I hugged her back and cried softly on her shoulder.

When I finished I smiled and wiped them away till I heard a knock on the door.

"Coming!" Shelby yelled and she got up as I got myself together and hide the tags away. Then Dante walked in he came in slowly making it seem like its safe to come in.

I motioned him to sit. He shook his head and stood. He swallowed and inhaled as he spoke.

"Miss Alex-", "Just Alex, Dante."

"Alex my brother is really sorry he hurted you..his a good guy he was just forced to do what he did. He cares about you a hellova lot."

He breathed and looked down extending his hand showing me a necklace with my initials on them. I grabbed it and held it. I opened it. It was Ryan and me when we were in the restaurant...we were looking at each other..

I looked back up at Dante. He stook a few steps back. "H-he meant to give it to you before he left..but he knew you were mad at him still." He studdered and looked down.

I sighed and got up and walked over to him he looked scared when I got close. I hugged him and thanked him, he hugged back saying 'you're welcome' we let go and he walked out.

I looked back at the necklace and went to my mirror and put it on. I looked at myself and smiled. Shelby leaned on the wall and smiled.

"He really must've loved you Alex, least you have something to remember him by." She pointed to the tags on the dresser I sighed and placed my hand on them.

"Yea...I do."

(And that is the first part guys sorry if this wasn't good I tried. I seen last night episode and was a bit sad they ended.

Anyways I don't own Quantico but I own Dante Booth so no takey.




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