Chapter 5 -Future and Past

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It's been hours since we got away from the cops we pulled up to Quantico to gather some idea of who was in charge of the bombs. I look over at Alex as she stared out the window.

I look over the receipt again seeing the purchase date and where the supplies were purchased. Some how I couldn't read it...


"What is it Dante?"

"The place it was purchased is in a different language.."

Alex and I looked as she read the location. She was confused as she blinked few times. She took the receipt from me. She closed her eyes then ran a hand through her hair.

"This is from Dubai..I think I have and idea of who had it..."

"The twins." We both said. We looked at each other we all got out of the truck as we headed to Quantico. Ryan and I had access as we easily slipped in with Alex. Place was empty now since the city was on lockdown we could head to the computer room.


Dante was called next after nearly almost everyone went into interrogation. Caleb walked in after him as he slammed the file on the table Dante didn't look at him as he stared straight.

Caleb walked around Dante as he finally sat. Luckily it was the two last Dante didn't seem phased.

"So Dante-"

"It's booth to you."

"Mr. could someone like you be determined to be a cop? You're very young to be a cop. " Caleb said Dante shrugged as he wasn't amused. I wanted to laugh but I held it back.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm too smart...and I wanted to be a cop to prove anyone no matter what age can be a cop too.."

"Save you're hero story.. says here you enlisted when you were 17? The legal age was 18 sir.." I knew something was wrong..Dante had the same expression as he sat up slowly looking at Caleb.

"Yes corrected..but by the time I joined officially I was how about asking me something else instead of snooping in my past."

"Time! Next time Caleb don't jump into dark places that you shouldn't be looking." Liam said as Dante got up walking out. Caleb followed after pissed off. I smiled. Dante was a smart one, hell he made Caleb look stupid.

Once class dismissed I followed after Dante nudging him. He noticed as he kept walking he seemed more quiet than before.

"Hey you okay? Look if it's about -"

"Not about the class just want to relax. Need to escape the place..I feel next time this happens it won't be the last.."

I stared at him as I put a hand on his shoulder we headed off to the classroom. We sat as he was on the other side of the class. Caleb was about to sit by him when Simon sat in the seat talking to Dante.

Smart move Simon..

I looked around and noticed something or someone wasn't here..I leaned over to Shelby asking for Nima. Shelby looked too as she didn't know either.

Maranda walked in as she announced something shocking to all of us. Nima appeared to be a twin..we all looked at each other except..


He didn't look surprised yet more pissed..I didn't question it as everyone greeted the twins again. Dante still didn't look too happy..

Caleb wasn't making it any better. I thought of something when Maranda announced the project or mission we were doing as she told us to get in groups of course I called for Dante. I also called for Shelby, Simon and the twins.

Today's project was about Serial Killer cases that happened in the past. We analyzed them over and over as Simon picked up pieces but it seemed out of place.

We had a special guest who worked on these cases and wrote a story about it. Simon seemed the most excited about her...

After the project...

We all manage to have a night out for once. I chatted with Dante getting to know him more. I got him to laugh a few times even smile. Shelby kept Caleb busy which was another win. Dante went to grab more drinks for us.

I told him I had to rush to the bathroom.

Dante's POV:

I felt better than this morning thanks to Alex. She helped me out a lot as well as others. I was enjoying my drink when I noticed the lady from earlier and Simon leaving.

I quietly and quickly followed them sensing something wrong. I walked out to the parking lot where I noticed something against his back.

A gun..

I called out to them asking them where they were headed.

The look on his face showed relief as the lady told me she was just leaving. She gave Simon a quick sloppy kiss on the lips then whispered something in his ear.

Simon never walked so fast to me as he I asked him what was really going on.

"I think you just saved my life..." He told me as we headed back inside I looked back then went inside. Simon thanked me again as he went to the twins hanging out with them.

I went back to where Alex perked up smiling at me.

"Hey where'd you go?"

I whispered to her what happened as she was shocked but I told her not to worry. She nodded and grabbed my hand as a song played.

I was confused as she pulled me to dance with her. I was hesitant at first but went with it. I joked saying I wasn't a good dancer and she laughed.

I don't know what it was...but I think I started falling for Alex...



Been awhile but here's another part!! And I wanted to say for awhile..

Thank you for over 2.4k views of this story!!! I didn't think no one would read it!!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!



Dragon out!!


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