۵ Chapter 5 ۵

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After being on this island for several days it should come to me as no surprise when something out of the ordinary happens. Yet somehow, I still am surprised right now. The day started out normal enough. Sonic and I woke up kinda late and ate breakfast at Tails'. After that we we're supposed to meet with the rest of the team and for a good few minutes everything was normal. And then we're here. Standing on a hill in the center of the village as panicked citizens are running around. The reason for the panic? A meteor shower. Very normal. It's weird that I probably should be feeling scared right now but for some reason I've remained completely calm.

Amy watches the scene excited and says, "Meteors are shooting stars. We shouldn't be running. We should be making wishes! I wish for a pony!"

I glance over to her and look at the sky, "Well in that case I think I wish chicken nuggets. Twenty would probably be a nice amount right now."

Sonic looks over to me and says, "And I wish you'd take cover." He grabs my hand and starts running me while dragging me after him. The rest of the group is following behind as we run under a nearby house to take cover.

"How come your wish came true?" Amy asks Sonic annoyed.

By one of the support beams holding the house up is Sticks who's looking at the metors. "Should I use my meteor defense system?" she asks.

Tails turns to her confused, "You have a meteor defense system?"

"I have defense systems for all sorts of junk," Sticks answers and walks to the other side of the pole where a wooden machine is sitting. She climbs aboard it and shows around the different levers, "Wildfires, floods, people trying to read my thoughts."

"Yeah, start with the meteor one," Sonic says, and Sticks aims the machine to the sky. She pulls a lever and suddenly wooden paddles rise up all around the village. As meteors are about to reach the ground the paddles swat them back to the sky.

"The 'people trying to read my thoughts' one is exactly the same, but with tinfoil trim," Sticks smiles to us.

It doesn't lake long until the meteor shower ends and luckily for the village, Sticks' machine managed to divert almost all of the meteors away from it. Following that event, we return to Tails' house while Sticks leaves to go home to do 'something important' whatever that then may be.

"What makes the juice so special?" I ask Sonic as he pours orange juice into two glasses. We're in the kitchen while Knuckles, Amy and Tails are hanging around in the living area. Only Amy is really doing something as she's reading a book by Knuckles while him and Tails aren't really doing anything.

"Well it's poured by me so there's that," Sonic answers and places cocktail umbrellas in the glasses.

"And that's why you call it the Sonic Special?" I ask as he hands me the glass.

"Yup," he says and sips his drink.

I glance away from him to the door as it opens. Sticks walks in holding an envelope in her hand. "Someone left this at my house," she says holding it up.

"Yeah," Sonic says as he places his glass son the counter, "The mailman. It's a letter."

Sticks sniffs the envelope, "Letter, huh? I don't know. Paper folded over itself. What's it hiding? What's it hiding?"

I look at her confused. Has she really never seen a letter?

Amy walks over to her and grabs the envelope from her hand. She opens it and reads the letter before gasping, "Sticks, you've been nominated for an Awardy Award!"

"They really need a better name for that thing," Tails says from his seat.

Knuckles excitedly gets up from the couch and grabs the letter, "Ooh, lemme see!" He takes out a pair of glasses and starts reading before saying, "Oh wait, I can't read."

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