۵ Chapter 1 ۵

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I wake up to the warmth of the sun on my face and open my eyes. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light but when that happens, I glance at the sky. Judging by the sun's location it's probably somewhere between 10-11 AM, at least that's what I think. I take a hold of the boat's side as I prop myself up while yawning.

As my eyes get more and more used to the light, I begin to really see my surroundings. The blue of the ocean on the other side and on the other a sandy beach that I've never seen in my life. The sand seems to continue all across the shore. Behind the beach is a dense looking forest. A jungle. From somewhere beyond the forest I can see several peaks of mountains. The air is surprisingly warm and makes me want to take off my hoodie which I then tie around my waist.

"Maybe this is the change I needed," I mutter as I grab my bags and jump out from the boat. I wear my backpack and put the other one over my shoulder. Now should I stay on the beach or walk into the forest? The smart choice would be to stay nearby the boat, but then again, I don't even know how I got here. I wonder if I'm here all alone. As far as I can tell there is no one here.

I begin to take steps into the forest and soon enough I'm walking beside all sorts of plants. The forest back home had been green but somehow this place was even greener. Vines are hanging from the trees and plants are filling the ground. Even the rocks are covered with moss and other small plans. The smell of the flowers is enough to make me feel like I'm in a paradise. But I should probably still be on my toes. Jungles can be dangerous and it's easy to get lost in them. The last thing I want is to die painfully because of a poisonous bug or being roasted alive by a group of cannibals.

The surroundings seem rather similar for quite some time until I see a clearing. My eyes widen at surprise of the sight and I stop on my tracks. Different sized shacks and some other buildings. It's a village! But that's not the part that surprises me. It's the inhabitants that make me confused. They are not humans. Instead they are animals that walk on two feet. There are many different species such as goats, cats, beavers, monkeys, walruses, foxes and many others and they seem to all live there together in harmony.

Not knowing what I should do I continue walking onwards. Maybe they will be completely fine with me. Or at least that's what I hope. The animals seem to notice me as they turn around to look at me, and it seems they are just as surprised to see me as I'm surprised to see them. Some of them pick up their pace when they see me while others just completely stop walking.

One particular animal, I think it's a brown cat, stops to stare at me and I decide to go and ask him for some help. As I'm making my way to him, he seems to notice and quickly turns around while quickly walking or almost running away. It seems like they are scared of me so maybe I should just leave.

I enter the forest once again and begin walking among the plant life. The air there is rather humid which makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable, but I guess that's how it is on tropical islands and nothing can change that. Come to think of it, I don't even know if this is just an island or if this is a part of some continent.

This time I don't walk that long when I come across the beach again, only this isn't the area I had started from. The sight is completely different as between some large rocks and a couple palm trees is a lone shack. Maybe whoever lives here isn't afraid of me unlike the people at that village. I walk around the shack to see a doorway that has no door and walk over to it.

"Hello?" I say as I peek inside the shack to see tree creatures. A tall man dressed in a red coat and black pants, a blue spiky animal wearing a brown scarf and a two tailed fox wearing goggles on his forehead.

"Congratulations! You're the third candidate," the blue animal says pointing at me, and I raise an eyebrow confused.

"What now?" I ask hoping for an answer, but I don't get one.

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