۵ Chapter 2 ۵

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As raindrops are hitting the roofs of the buildings on the Bygone Island and the thunder is roaring in the background, Y/N, Sonic and Tails are sleeping comfortably inside Tails' house. The storm had started soon after they had gone to bed and none of them knew it even existed, until a couple knocks are heard from the door causing Sonic to wake up from his slumber but he just turns sides and tries to go back to sleep, only to hear someone knocking on the door again, this time louder. Still not interested in opening the door he tries to go back to sleep but instead hears loud banging coming from the door.

Groaning he gets up from the couch and walks to the door opening it and revealing soaked Dr. Eggman wearing a trenchcoat. "Hi!" Eggman waves to him.

"What do you want?" Sonic asks tiredly. The idea of having to fight in the rain doesn't seem too appealing to him and on top of that he is tired.

"First of all, thank you for answering the door at such a late hour. I realize what an inconvenience this must be—"

"Get to it Eggface," Sonic cuts him off.

"Well I uh... I need your help," Eggman says much to Sonic's surprise.

"You need my help?"

"Yes. My sinister island lair, you know the ultra-high-tech stronghold where I hatch my diabolical schemes to eliminate you, it was destroyed in the storm. I was hoping I could crash with you and Tails for a few days until my robots rebuild it. Please, don't strand me in this wilderness," Eggman begs.

"You certainly could use a roof over your head," Sonic tiredly says and sniffs, "And a bath. But how do I know you won't just capture me and Tails while we're sleeping?"

"I swear not to harm you, or you fox friend during my stay," Eggman swears and then lifts up his jacket, "I didn't even bring any weapons. Here, check my pants."

"No, no, no. It's okay. I believe you," Sonic says, "So it's only for a few days and it's just you?"

"Just me," Eggman assures. Sonic opens the door more pointing him to come in which he does revealing the two bots following him, "And Orbot and Cubot. They're family."

Sonic slams the door shut groaning as Eggman takes off his jacket. He then notices Y/N sleeping on the couch and turns to Sonic asking, "Is that the girl from earlier?"

Sonic glances at her saying, "Yeah. You better not hurt her either."

"You have my word," Eggman says. "But if I may ask, why is she here?"

"She didn't have anywhere to stay so Tails and I let her stay here," Sonic says as he goes back on the couch and lies down. Eggman turns to look at Y/N with a thoughtful look and then glances at Sonic.

The following morning, I am the first one to wake up. I yawn as I sit up and look around myself still somewhat tired. So, it wasn't a dream, I think as I gets up from the couch before walking over to the kitchen. As I'm is pouring myself a glass of water, Sonic slowly gets up from the couch as well. "Morning," I say to him as our eyes make contact. "You wouldn't happen to have a coffeemaker here, do you?"

"What's a coffeemaker?" he asks yawning.

"That better be a joke," I say sternly, but Sonic just shrugs. "Oh no," I dramatically cover my mouth.

"What? What's the matter?" Sonic asks running over to me.

A tear trickles down my face as I answer, "I don't know if I can live without coffee."

"Don't worry, I bet Tails can do something about this," Sonic says and goes over to his fox friend who is quietly snoring on his bed. "Tails, buddy. Time to wake up."

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