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Muichirou may or have been really looking forward to a lot of this mission. I suppose because you've changed more, you've been worried about the safety of the people? Maybe... But forget it, all your dreams are gone! As soon as I saw Nezuko laughing, he held his hand and left his brother alone, leaving Muichirou alone, can see all the excitement in you blinking and flew away.

-That's right to take him with you? Buttered from the bribery to the dawn of the sun, the smell of flowers rolling off with the slight wind that blows in the evening, at the end of the glow, the glorious galaxy to the eyes that no discretion, raising the sound of her existence for the dark-haired maiden. And you've asked that six times. Nezuko didn't look at Muichirou, his eyes were sticking to a big piece of paper that was drawing all the way in the forest. Muichirou is a little angry, and his mouth is flattering. Nezuko, I'm not even glancing at you, or asking if you're feeling uncomfortable, it's not okay.

Nezuko's eyes staring at the map of the farmer's map, who lives near the edge of the woods, and he tries to learn the whole passages, and he asks a little question:--did you really see it? Farmer's looking mid-30s, 36-year-old, eyes are a little bit squinted, and the fear is a little fear, and the kingdom is still stuck in his mind. It's a good thing the wound is not deep, hopefully it won't leave a scar in a few days.

Nezuko put his eye on my arm for a while, the clip, I smiled very well, bowed my head to pay the tribute: - thank you for giving us information. We're going to destroy this demon, not let it harm the people! He nodded his head, he swallowed a sip of saliva. The hippie's eyes are looking at the shadow green-haired boy in the pink Haori dragged through the woods. You're so small, so small, so small. It seems like a hard time... muichirou, you know we're equivalent? Nezuko tried to pull his body not to move his partner. His face was flat, and his mouth was flat. You said that and he was sitting on the ground, and he didn't even answer me.

Tanjirou ran through Muichirou's body, his legs on the ground, his hands clenched to the base of the universe. Nezuko looked at his brother's actions, holding hands lightly on the palm of his hand holding on the back of his hand and nodded hard, and supportive and supportive, very good. Now we can move this lazy pig! Muichirou shrieks, the eyebrows are all very unpleasant to the actions of these brothers. The boy is one of the nine pillars of the Corps, the Regent is the one to be respected, the rookie of flattered, who can't be disrespected. Who's like the Kamado brothers, who's carrying you like a shitload to the river like this? Nezuko bends his head down and looks at his delicate face and puts a little bit of a nasty gaze, but I don't care.

Blink for your brother Tanjirou, I got the feedback by Muichirou's legs you dropped on the ground with no pity. Muichirou frowns, despite the obnoxious, but with the everyday moron, it's hard to express the easy emotion. Nezuko bends down to half human, hands on his knees, his smiling face, and his big, wide, gazing, and his little, tiny, wide-eyed partner, looking at him on the ground.

The Hot Boy wouldn't even give a peek at you, a head-spin going the other way, refusing to talk to that girl. Nezuko looks so childish, sighing. The sunset is almost over and I'm still sitting here looking like this. So, you take your hands up and you pull Muichirou's cheek, and you pull his face across the face, four eyes to face straight. Muichirou is inconclusive red with the cheek. The distance between you two is now about one gang of hands, and even Nezuko is on your cheek so naturally! You're just shy and you're so quiet, so don't be angry.

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