Chaotic Thanksgiving

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"Trina? You ready to go?" I've come into my girlfriend's apartment to pick her up, but she's nowhere to be seen. 

"Yeah," she says, appearing. "I just had to pee again." 

"Who are you, Lily in Season 5 Episode 5 of How I Met Your Mother?" 

"No, now let's just go." 

"You look stunning," I comment. 

She smiles. "Thanks. You too." 

Okay, I know she's just being nice. As a joke and throwback to our mall therapy session, I'm wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants. But then I feel like changing, so we have to stop at my place. 

"Oh, you actually look nice!" Trina says when I come out of my room. 

"Thanks, I guess. Oh, God. Let's go quickly. We're already late." 


Our two couple friends are sitting at the table in Marvin's apartment when we arrive. "Sorry we're late," says Mendel. "I had to change because I hadn't gotten dressed seriously." 

"Oh, okay..." Marvin says with confusion. 

 "Hey could I just use your bathroom for a second?" I ask. 

"You didn't even drink anything—" Mendel mutters. 

"I don't know, okay?" 

"Yes, you can use it," says Marvin. 

When I come back, he and Whizzer have started arguing or something. They're talking quietly while Mendel scrolls through his phone nervously and Cordelia and Charlotte try to converse among themselves. I join them awkwardly. 

"So, uh, what's going on?" Mendel finally breaks the tension. 

"Marvin is using me," Whizzer says casually. 

"Wha—I'm not using you!" his boyfriend argues. 

"Um, I'm just going to step out for a second," I put in, looking at the girls apologetically. 


"Man, I thought the focus of the night was going to be the fact that my ex-girlfriend is dating Mendel," I say to Whizzer. "But you're making a big deal out of—"

"Out of you using me! Using me to cook dinner for the Thanksgiving you were hosting." 

"Okay, Whizzer. You're the real host here, besides it being my apartment. I'm giving you credit. Is that enough?" 

"I'm still mad at you. I'm not the host. And the host is supposed to cook." 

"You can be the host!" 

"Marvin, can we talk in private?" 

"Sure, let's go to my room," I offer. When we're in there, I ask, "Am I forgiven now?" 

"Honestly, I just want to take a break from this stupid fight," my boyfriend says. 

"Then let's do that." Apparently, this is seen as permission to kiss me. Honestly, I don't mind that. I think Whizzer forgives me. 

"Hey, how much time do you think we have before Trina comes back and we can all eat together?" he asks afterward. 

"Whizzer—not right now. Not when our friends are..." I check the digital clock in my room (don't judge me for having digital clocks everywhere). "Yeah, I don't think she'll be back for a while." 

A "while" goes by. "Am I forgiven now?" I ask Whizzer. 

"We'll talk when we're really alone," he informs me. 

"So we're waiting till we're really alone to talk, but we just had sex with our friends and my psychiatrist in the other room?" 

"Okay, start getting your clothes back on. Trina's probably back." 

We emerge from my room to see my neighbours and Mendel staring at us. "What took you so long?" Charlotte interrogates, her hands folded. 

"Is Trina back?" Whizzer changes the subject, looking around. 

"Yeah, she's just in the bathroom," Cordelia supplies. 

"I'm honestly concerned for her," Mendel notes. "I think she has a UTI." 

"Mendel, I hate to say it, but I think she's cheating on you," says Whizzer. 

"What makes you think that?!" 

"Well, when Marvin and I were gone in a separate room for a long time—"

"A-ba-ba-ba-ba," I interject, quite a random choice of interjection, I might add, "no more talking, Whizzer." 

"Sorry. I got carried away." 

"Back there? Yeah, you sure did." 

"No! Jut now! God, Marvin, will you stop being a hypocrite?!" 

"I thought our fight was over!" I remind him. 


"Please stop!" Cordelia commands. "I can't take this!" 

"None of us can!" shouts Mendel. 

"Sorry," I reply. 

Trina comes back. It's funny, I've barely seen any of her the whole evening. She has a rather serious expression. "Mendel? Can I see you for a second?" 

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