Silly Panic

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The months go by like seconds. Well, maybe not seconds. More like hours. Or weeks. Maybe months. Yeah, that's it. Anyway, the months go by, and Marvin finally got a hold of himself and planned a room for the baby in his apartment, but still there has been no mention of us living together. 

Anyway, Trina's going to see her doctor to see how the baby's doing (I think she just forgot the due date. I never knew it, so I offer to come along). 

"Do you always go alone?" I ask when we're in the car. 

"Well, Marvin slowly started coming to ultrasounds with me, and that turned into every little appointment," she says. "So not anymore. But he's at work." 

"That's too bad." 

"No, it's okay. You and I deserve to bond, right?" Trina laughs nervously. 

"I bet you hate me." 

"I don't hate you!" 

The rest of the drive is silent. I'm sure she's nervous because the due date may have already come. I think that maybe the fetus is making up for its below-average weight in the last few months, but I don't tell Trina that, because I don't think she wants to deliver overdue. 

But then we have to endure the silence in the parking lot, and in the waiting room. 

"I can't take this anymore!" I cry. "Why are we silent?" 

"I don't know!" says Trina. 

"Well, what should we do?!" 

"I don't know, but thank you for saying something!" 

The appointment doesn't last too long. I think Trina's doctor is confused because she keeps coming in with new men. Anyway, it's all good. I still need to speak with Marvin about plans, but the baby was recently due and it's not bad for them to come a little late, apparently. 

"Do you think I'll have to be induced?" Trina asks me on the way to the car. 

"Maybe. Come on, just be patient. I know labour is hard, but look on the bright side: you have more time to stall." And I have more time to talk about moving in with my boyfriend. 

"That's not quite reassuring," she complains. 

"I'm sorry." 


"So you were with Trina all day?" I ask Whizzer. "What was that like?" 

"Extremely awkward. I'm glad to be home." 

I look around. "Glad to be where?" 

"Shit—that's not what I meant. I just mean, like, uh... the baby's home. You know, 'cause it has a room here? And because we were just at an appointment... for the baby." 

"Whizzer, if you see my place as home, there's no shame in that." 

He looks away from me. "That slipped out. But, you know... maybe it was subconscious." 

"I see." I keep a straight face. 

"God, why am I bringing this up? I'm sorry, Marvin."  I can tell he's embarrassed. Shoot, what have I done to him? 

"No, love, it's okay! I meant that I would be thrilled if you moved in here. I'd need someone to help when the child spawns, anyway." Shit, I'm nervous. 

"Nice to know you still see me as your personal help service," he says sarcastically. 

"Are—are you mad?" 

My boyfriend finally smiles. "No." 

"Good. So that's it? You're moving in?" 

"I guess. But I talked with Trina earlier, and... I'm not exactly sure things are sorted out with Mendel. I think he's kind of nervous. You could talk to him." 

"Me?" I laugh. "Talk to Mendel? Help him with his life? He's supposed to help me with my life. He's my psychiatrist, god damn it! And I need help right now. I'm nervous, Whizzer. He could be so out of the kid's life if he wanted to, but me? Okay, well, maybe it's the other way around, but I feel a lot of pressure! Okay?! I am not a psychiatrist. I don't have advice. I can't... analyze. I don't have skills, and I can't even be a parent, Whizzer!" 

He stares at me. I feel like I let too much out. 

"Marv, I just wanted to see if you could... relate to him a little bit." 

"WELL, IT'S CLEAR THAT I CAN!" I cry, before finally calming down. "Sorry, just some silly little panic before I become a father." 


"How are you always so calm?!" I demand. 

"I guess I just haven't broken yet." Whizzer shrugs. 

I wipe my face. "So I'm broken now?" 

"Yeahhh... but it'll only get better from here." Seriously? I doubt that. 

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