Somethings not right.
I don't really know why.
But I'm getting bad vibes.
I don't trust him.
But he's iron man of course you can trust him.I follow Peter into his room with Tony following behind. When we enter the room Tony locks the door. Well, that's not creepy at all. Soon after he walks over to the bin and spits out whatever food May had given him.
"As walnut and date loaves go." He says " that wasn't bad." He then went on to comment on all of Peters old tech on his desk, then he called him a dumpster diver which I didn't appreciate, since I helped him accumulate a lot of his collection.
"I definitely didn't apply for your grant." Peter says and I agree.
"Ah-ah! Me first" he interrupts, and that seems to shut us up so he continues. "Quick question of the rhetorical variety."
He holds up a phone with what seems to be a hologram playing a video of Spider-Man aka Peter. "That's you, right?" He questions.
Of course Peter disagrees. And it was at that moment that I realised how bad of an actor Peter is.
"Look at you go" Tony continues "wow! Nice catch. 3000 pounds, 40 miles an hour. That's not easy"
"That's all on YouTube, though. Right?" Peter tried to brush it off. " I mean that's where you found that? 'Cause you know that's all fake. It's all done on a computer"
"Yeah yeah yeah. Oh you mean like those UFOs over Phoenix?" Tony agrees obviously not convinced.
I can see out of the corner of my eye , Tony reach for a pole and push up the board on the ceiling where Peter keeps his suit. Before Peter can even react I throw a ball of green energy towards it knocking it over into his closet.
"And she shows her true colours" Tony announces. Me and Peter both walk over to the closet in front of where the suit landed on full guard dog mode.
"So" Tony starts " your the spider-ling. crime-fighting spider. You're spider-boy?"
"S-Spider-Man" Peter mumbles.
"Not in that onesie you're not." Tony comments.
"It's not a onesie" Peter says as he makes his way over to his table and I go and sit on his bed.I slightly tune out what Peter is saying, I'm more focused on the suit that tony has now picked up. There are bits of green sparking all around it.
"Who else knows? Anybody?" Tony asks. "Nobody" Peter replies. He then looks to me for answers. "A-few" I say. I don't actually know the exact number the only number I know is a-few.
"Not even your unusually attractive aunt?" Tony asks Peter.
"No. No. No! If she knew she would freak out." Peter affirms "and when she freaks out I freak out.""You know what I think is really cool?" Tony asks trying to change the subject "This webbing. That tensile strength is off the charts. Who manufactured it?"
"We did" Peter replies pointing over to me.
"Climbing walls. How you do that?" He asks. "Adhesive gloves?"
"Its a long story" Peter says."Lordy! Can you even see out of these?" Tony asks. "Woah! I'm blind!" He really needs to stop messing with peters suit I think to myself.
"What about you?" Tony asks turning to me once again. "How do you do your little zip zaps"
"Its a long story" I reply, my accent coming off a little strong. It tends to happen when I'm annoyed.
"Wow. The accent really comes and goes" Tony says trying to make a joke. I just give him a death stare. "Talk about resting bitch face, am I right?" He continues. You are in dire need of an upgrade. Systemic, top to bottom. Both of you."
Peter then comes and sits next to me. "Why you doing this?" Tony ask. "I gotta know what's your MO. what gets you outta that twin bed in the morning?"
"Because....." Peter says " because I've been me my whole life and I've had these powers for six month. I read books I build computers. And yeah, I would love to play football. But I couldn't then so I shouldn't now"
"Sure because your different"Tony agrees. Ok maybe I was wrong about him.
"Exactly. But I can't tell anybody that, so I'm not" Peter says " look, when you can do the things that I can but you don't. And then the bad things happen, they happen because of you"
Peter reaches behind his back to where my hand is and holds onto it. That last part really hit hard, and Peter knows this. My whole life I've blamed myself for everything that goes wrong, no matter how many times I'm told otherwise.
"So you wanna look out for the little guy" Tony finally breaks the silence " you wanna do your part? Make the world a better place. All that, right?"
"Yeah yeah. Just looking out for the little guy" Peter agrees, I somewhat agree but for a different reason. For me the little guy isn't random people who were wrong place wrong time, for me the little guy is my brother. All I want to do is protect him make sure nothing bad will ever happen to him. That's my MO.
Tony stands up, sighs and makes his way over to the bed "I'm gonna sit here so you move the hand" Tony says. Peter instantly lets go of my hand and shuffles across the bed. I instantly miss his comfort. Tony sits down in between us and awkwardly puts a hand on both of our shoulders.
"You got a passport?"
"No I don't even have a drivers license"
"I do"
"Have you ever been to Germany"
"Oh you'll love it"
"It truly is great"
"I can't go to Germany, I got homework"
I mentally facepalm at peters remark. He has always cared a little too much about school.
"I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that" Tony says getting up to leave.
"No I'm being serious" Peter tries to reason " I can't just drop out of school"
"It might be a bit dangerous" Tony states as he makes his way over to the door. "Better tell aunt hottie I'm taking you on a field trip"
Me and Peter act quickly as Tony goes to open the door, Peter shot webs at his hand and I use my powers to make his whole body freeze.
"Don't tell May" me and Peter both say in unison.
"Alright, Spider-Man" tony says in a very heroic way "zip zap girl" and there it is I hate him now.
"Get me out of this" tony finally breaks the cinematic pause. Like seriously, you'd think we're in a movie. *looks to imaginary camera the office style*

Weakness {Peter Parker}
FanfictionChristina Graf is not a normal girl. 3 years old: -Biological father experimented on her giving her special abilities and PTSD 11 years old: -her and her mother escape her father thanks to the help of a shield agent called: Clint Barton - they s...