Just as Tony and Peter leave the room I get a call on my phone. No caller ID. I answer it. You know, for funzies.
"Hello" I say answering the phone
"Hello, is this Christina Graf?" A man or woman or non binary (it's 2015 don't assume) said on the other line.
"Who is this?" I say pretty bluntly. How do they know my name let alone my phone number.
"Listen I can't talk much over the phone, but I'm putting together a team and I need someone with your kind of skill set" they say. Oh no they know. They know. Oh shit. This is bad, like bad bad.
"Well if you're looking for smarts I'm certainly not the person you're looking for" I try to play dumb hoping they would leave me alone.
"That's not what I'm talking about," they say "and I think you know that"
"Ok look, I've already had someone ask me to join and I agreed. So could you kindly leave me the fuck alone" I say in the most sarcastic voice I can. Then I end the call right there and then. I can't deal with this right now.
I meet Peter at the front door of his apartment he's practically swooning over iron man. I honestly don't really get it like sure they save the world and all but they don't really care about the mess they make.
"Where'd the weird guy go?" I ask Peter snapping him out of his daze.
"Oh, he left" Peter informed me "he said he'll send someone over to pick us up tomorrow"
"Cool cool" I mumble "I got this weird ass call just as you walked out of your room"
"How so?" Peter asked.
"They were asking me to join a team or something" I answer, in a very confused voice "they also dknew about my powers"Peter instantly looked at me with a shocked expression. He then took my forearm and lead me into his room.
"Don't be so loud" Peter scolds "anyone could hear you"
"Well apparently people have already found out" I state the obvious."Peter that's two strangers in the space of 20 minutes""Who even called you?" Peter asked as if it were obvious. "that's the thing I don't know" I say "when I asked, they said that they couldn't say much over the phone." Peter doesn't say anything he just looks at me in awe.
"Do you think we could track where the number came from?" Peter asked. "Probably but based on how secretive they were being they probably used a VPN" I answer. I may not be book smart but I'm smart in other ways.
"Do you think they worked for Tony?" Peter asked. "I think it was someone from the other side" I say.
"The other side?"
"Yeah, I mean there is a fight he has to be fighting someone"
"I guess you're right"
"I'm always right"
"But then wouldn't that make them the bad guys?"
"Depends on how you look at it"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
I simply shrug and walk out of his room.
A/N: sorry I haven't posted for the past few days I've been going through it lately. I'm going to try post as much as I can but there might be a day or two in between them.
Love y'all 💜💜

Weakness {Peter Parker}
FanfictionChristina Graf is not a normal girl. 3 years old: -Biological father experimented on her giving her special abilities and PTSD 11 years old: -her and her mother escape her father thanks to the help of a shield agent called: Clint Barton - they s...