(A/N): This is my first story so I apologise if it's not great. Anything in italics is said in German.
Christina's POV:
"I'm home" i called out as I entered my apartment. "Hello chrisi" Stefan said. Stefan is my little brother he is 9 years old. " Hi trouble maker" I say as I ruffle his brunette hair.
"Your late" a very drunken Michael commented from the kitchen. Michael is my stepfather, him and my mother got married 3 years ago right after moving to America, or more precisely Queens NewYork. "I got detention" I retort. Which was true , you see I may or may not have skipped school and went to go see a movie
"Liar" he said as he stumbled over to where I was standing "Stef, go to your room" I say knowing what is about to happen. He obeys picking up his iPad and making his way to the hall and to his room shutting the door behind him.
The next thing I know I feel a hand slap across my face, with such force I think I pulled a muscle in my neck as my head swung to the side on impact. I feel a single tear slip down the cheek that was hit.
"Weak" he spat out then walked over and sat down on his black leather armchair "get out of my sight" and on that note I walked down to my room. The word he said ringing in my ear.
I couldn't help but think "Am I weak?" I shook that thought and went to my room and shut my eyes trying to get at least a bit of sleep.
* white. Everything is white. The walls. The roof. I try to move but I feel restraints on my ankles and wrists. I can hear shuffling in the room then a door opening followed by heavy footsteps. " have you done it yet" a man with an American accent said breaking the silence. "She is not ready" another man this time with a German accent insists. "I don't care, do it now. Or else" the first man says then I hear a gun being clocked. I wince at the sound bringing some unwanted attention to me. "Shhhh. It's okay, rest" he coos. Then I feel a sharp pain in my neck. A needle. Then everything goes dark.*
I wake up covered in a cold sweat to my room floating and covered in green sparks. I instinctively reach to my dresser for my bottle of water and chug it. I look to my clock. 6am
I get up and get dressed and head to the kitchen. "Good morning princess" my mother greets. "mourning mama" I respond giving her a kiss on the cheek. "What has you up so early" she asks slightly amused as I usually sleep in until the last second. "Oh, just a bad dream" I say casually. "The same one?" She asked slightly concerned.
I have been having the same dream for years now. Not every night, they used to be more sparse but have been becoming more common in the past year or so. But it's just a memory it won't happen again.
"Yes" I say reluctantly. I don't like telling her when I do have the dreams because she gets very worried. I think she could tell I didn't want to talk about it because she dropped it after that.
"Mama?" I ask gaining her attention, I continue "am I weak" that word felt like poison on my tongue. "And why would you say that?" She says. I shrug my shoulders sadly. "Christina Graf you are the most strong and brave girl I know." She insists. It makes me happy when she uses her maiden name instead of Michaels.
"I'm leaving now, mama" I call as I open the front door. I make my way out of the building I meet John our neighbour. "morning Christina" he greets from his door. John is an elderly man who asks me to get the newspaper on my way home from school every Friday. " good morning John." I respond. "do you still want the paper?" I ask sarcastically. "Like always"he says laughing to himself.
As I'm walking to the train station I notice some commotion in an alley. When I go to check it out I realise it's a boy who looks about my age digging through a dumpster. " Did you loose something" I say sarcastically. Sure enough the dark haired boy turns around in a flash.
"Oh jeez! Don't scare me like that Chrisi!!" He scolded. I simply laugh at him. You'd think being Spider-Man and all he'd learn to watch his back.
"Wow calm down. I was only being friendly" I say in a mockingly innocent tone. Before Peter can say anything I speak "OK spidey, let's go!"
We continue walking silently and I can tell he wants to say something. So why doesn't he just say it. "Is there something bothering you?" I ask breaking the awkward silence between us.
"Oh no. It's just I kind of wanted to go to the store before school" he says "but it's ok I'll just go after if you don't want to go it's f-"
"Peter" I say cutting him off " it's fine the train doesn't come for another half hour I don't mind taking a little detour". He pauses for a second before speaking again. "Ok, I promise I'll be super quick" he affirms. So we make our way to the store.

Weakness {Peter Parker}
FanficChristina Graf is not a normal girl. 3 years old: -Biological father experimented on her giving her special abilities and PTSD 11 years old: -her and her mother escape her father thanks to the help of a shield agent called: Clint Barton - they s...