Christina Graf is not a normal girl.
3 years old:
-Biological father experimented on her giving her special abilities and PTSD
11 years old:
-her and her mother escape her father thanks to the help of a shield agent called: Clint Barton
- they s...
I stayed the night at peters in fear of what would happen if I returned so late. I'm my sleep deprived state I thought it would be funny to play a prank on him.
"Parker!" I practically scream after him "I will gouge your eyes out with a RUSTY SPOON, SAW OFF YOUR LIMBS WITH A BLUNT KNIFE AND THEN MICROWAVE YOUR LARGE INTESTINE!"
" What? I didn't do anything" fear very much present in his voice
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"Then care to explain why my phone is IN THE FUCKING TOILET!" At this point my eyes turned a bright electric green (as seen above) that seemed to be glowing and there were flecks of green energy coming out of my finger tips.
"I didn't do that, I swear!" Peter retorted. At this point I couldn't take it anymore and I suddenly burst out laughing. Peter looks super confused with a hint of scaredness.
"Im kidding!" I manage to get out in between laughter. "Oh god. You should've seen your face!"
"Not funny" Peter scolds
"Your right it's not funny"
"Thank you"
"It's hilarious"
"Ok. Ok. Im done. Im going to get ready"
"For what?"
"Did you forget? We're kinda going to Germany with Ironman."
"Oh my god! Did you forget?"
"Fuck yeah! I call dibs on the bathroom"
"What? NO!"
I sprinted for the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I can hear Peter making empty threats on the other side. "Sorry? What was that? Can't hear you! The showers too loud!" I shout back as I turn on the shower.
"I'm going to brutally murder you!" Is all I can hear Peter say before loud footsteps walking away form the shower.
After about 15 minutes I emerge from the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around my body.
"Jeeze it's about time" I hear Peter say as he marches around the corner. As soon as he rounds the corner and looks at me a deep blush comes across his face as he stares at me.
"Take a picture it'll last longer" I say jokingly. "I might just have to" he mumbles just about loud enough for me to hear. I don't say anything about it afraid of making things even more awkward.
I walk into his room and grab a T-shirt from one of peters drawers, the trousers I wore yesterday, my doc Martins and my jacket and put them on.
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(I know they aren't docs but use your imagination)
Then I hear a knock on the door. I go over to the door open and see a large man with brown hair standing on the other side.
"Hi, I'm happy hogan" the man says
"I'm Christina Graf but chrisi is fine" I reply "and Peter is somewhere around here" right on que Peter busts into the living room still trying to put his T-shirt on.
"Who was at the door" Peter asks me struggling to get his head through the neck hole. Not knowing anything more than a name I look back at the man for answers.
"Oh. Mr Stark sent me to collect you and bring you to the airport" he says "so you might want to hurry up."
I turn around to see Peter still struggling to put his shirt on and now I realise why. It's mine. That's my shirt. Peter is trying to put on my shirt. He's an idiot.
"Peter" I say keying out a sigh "did you take a second to look at that shirt?"
He then takes it off and looks at it puzzled. "What's wrong with-" he cuts himself off before he can finish "it's yours"
"It's mine"
"Then what are you wearing?"
"Oh, well-"
"It's mine"
"It's yours"
There is then an awkward silence until it's broken by happy. "Umm. Well I'll be down in the car waiting. You'd can just figure this out and with that he left.