Christina's pov:
I entered the coffee shop about ten minutes early so that I could get a good seat. I see the booth I always sit at is seemingly empty. I like sitting there because all exits are visible -no. stop. Don't think like that.- and make my way over. As I'm about to sit down I hear a whistle from behind me. I turn around and see a middle aged man sitting at a table on the other side of the cafe. He is conveniently facing the exits.
I go up to the counter and order my usual. Iced vanilla latte with oat milk, my favourite. Once I get my drink I make my way over to the table.
He's wearing a wire.
I'm instantly put on edge by this, but I cover it up pretty well. Suddenly I'm brought out of my thoughts by the man clearing his throat. My eyes meet his and he raises his eyebrows.
"Aren't you a bit young to be drinking coffee?"
"Aren't you a bit old to be talking to teenage girls?"
"Wow, calm down. You don't want to make a scene now, do you?"
"What do you want?"
"I want you to help me"
"Yes. Yes. You told me that already, but what will I be helping you with?"
"You ask a lot of questions"
"And you avoid a lot of questions"
He only chuckled in response, then he extended his hand fir me to shake "I'm agent Barton".
I simply glance at his hand and back up to his face still not moving an inch since sitting down. "Christina" I say in reply "but my friends call me Chrisi."
"Are we friends?"
"Now look at who's asking the questions. No we're not friends"
"Then why did you say that?"
"Because I wanted to"
I take a sip of my coffee as we sit in silence for a moment. It is then that I take notice of certain people in the cafe. Two people in particular are a man with blonde hair messily tucked into a baseball cap and a man with shoulder length brown hair he was also wearing a baseball cap. This wouldn't be so weird considering we were in New York, but the brown haired man was wearing a long sleeve top. It's currently about 30 degrees Celsius or 93.2 degrees Fahrenheit. So definitely short sleeve weather.
I'm brought from my thoughts by the agent sitting in front of me speaking again.
"I can't say too much here but what I can tell you is that there will be a fight. And if you choose to join us you will be outside the law. So I don't expect you to accept but if you do, just call me"
And with that he left and so did the two men in the baseball caps.
A few minutes later I also exited meeting Peter back at his apartment.Peter then spent an hour trying to explain that I should stay on mr Starks side instead of joining the others. Honestly, I zoned out for most of it. I obviously wasn't going to risk it but I still wondered if the risk would be worth it.

Weakness {Peter Parker}
FanfictionChristina Graf is not a normal girl. 3 years old: -Biological father experimented on her giving her special abilities and PTSD 11 years old: -her and her mother escape her father thanks to the help of a shield agent called: Clint Barton - they s...