One-shot: Right Hand Man (Will be rewritten)

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(Okay so a little backstory on this One shot, you and Aubrey never met and also your dense cause i like seeing you in pain. Anyways enjoy! :D )

It's over. My little brother has been bullied by this gang long enough. It's time to teach 'em a little lesson. Hello. I'm Y/n, and I was born on the streets with my little brother. We never really had a home. Actually, no, The Streets were our home. So we usually stole food from people and got away with it. Not our fault, our parents left us like this. So right now, I'm heading over to the hideout of theirs and guess what? They're picking on a blonde kid. I'm going to make sure that he's the LAST kid to get picked on. I yell out to them, also causing the so called 'leader' to come out as well. They asked who I was, so I told them the brother of the kid you picked on. Little sh!ts got ready to fight, beat the minions myself. And one of them. He's cool with me. Didn't wanna pick a fight. I respect that. Also very tall kid. Damn. When they were taken care of. The leader decided to attack me. Broke her bat on my head. Hurt like hell, but not important right now. She got scared, since her precious weapon broke on my head, and I tackled her to the ground so she wouldn't move. She tried to get out, even going as far as to saying "I'll do anything!" Like that would help. But, she struck a deal with me. She saw my fighting style and wanted me in the gang. I accepted, since it would stop my brother from being beaten. I eventually made my way up the ranks. Also, for some reason, our leader seems to want to hangout with me more than most, or sits next to me when we eat. When I ask her about it, she goes red and asks "Something wrong with that?" Weird. Anyways, I became promoted to be her Right Hand Man, and also today, I got a letter addressed to me. It read
Dear Y/n,
I can't hold my feelings any longer, come to the tree in our secret hideout.

Weird. A love letter. Welp, time to go see who it is. I walked over there and saw...

(Take Two)
Aubrey? She walked out and confessed how she felt about me, and how she liked me, while blushing nonstop. And you know what I did? I accepted. Heck, I liked her back. And I've never really felt love before, so this is new to me. Word spread out to the rest of the gang, and most of them congratulated me and us being a couple. In the end, We did the best kinda carnage, as her as my leader, and me as her Right Hand Man.

And lover.

(Thats it! Thank you for reading my books, and I'll see you later! Oh, by the way, 509 words!)

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