Chapter 0: A Cruel Fate.

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???: Tiếp tục Bắn! "Keep Firing!"

Multiple Rockets came out, at this time, VPNS Hồ Chí Minh was the only few to be active, with two VPNS Frigates remaining. The Commander leading the ship, was Dương Trúc Viện. Even though with the help of the ASEAN Fleet, his chance of surviving this battle is low. But, as long the evacuation is continuing.

Commander Viện: Cuộc di tản thế nào, Đại úy? "How's the Evacuation, Senior Lieutenant?"

Vietnamese SenLt: May là nước Nga và ASEAN đang giúp chúng ta! Nếu knông, chúng ta đã chết rồi! "Fortunately, Mother Russia and ASEAN are helping us! If we didn't, we've lost our lives sooner!"

Commander Viện: Vậy còn vài tàu sân máy bay của nước Mỹ? "What about some of America's aircraft carriers?"

Vietnamese SenLt: Họ đã không vâng lời Tổng thống Mỹ, chỉ để cứu thường dân và hỗ trợ thêm cho chúng tôi... Họ thực sự là những người yêu nước cho đất nước chúng ta và của họ. "They've Disobeyed the U.S. President, just to save the civilians and give us additional support... They're truly are patriots for our country and theirs."

The sounds of the Jets, with one of the spotters.

Vietnamese Spotter: Máy bay Trung Quốc! Chỉ Huy! Bắn Tên lửa đất đối không! "Chinese planes! Commander! Fire surface-to-air missiles!"

Commander Viện: Thì bắn đi! "Then Fire!"

With the SAMs and AA Guns from the VPNS Hồ Chí Minh, forcing the Chinese jet's to evade. But... Fate just have to be cruel with the Commander.

US Admiral: *Radio* Hotel-Quebec 486! This is USS Carl Vinson! Aircraft Carrier, Shandong is confirmed at the seas!

Commander Viện: *Radio* What!? The Empress of the Seas!?

US Admiral: *Radio* Comfirmed! I'm sending Fighter Jet's to intercept! Be careful! Over!

With that said...

Commander Viện: Chuẩn bị vài tên lửa! Chúng ta sẽ giết Hoàng hậu biển cả! "Prepare a few Missiles! We're going to kill the Empress of the Seas!"

Vietnamese Sailors: URAAAA!!!

They decided to die fighting. If they can't escape, we'll fight to the end. After intercepting and firing missiles against a few Chinese ships, sinking them, they've finally spotted Shandong.

Commander Viện: *Radio* This is VPNS Hồ Chí Minh, we've spotted the Empress of the Seas! Sending the Barrage!

US Admiral: *Radio* WAIT! IT'S AN AMBU-!

Just after the remaining missiles was sent, the Jet's from the Shandong managed to blow the ammo and fuselage... Blowing the ships frontal hull and the command station, sinking.

Russian Commander: *Radio* команда! Вьетнамский адмирал Нахимов был сбит и затонувшего императрицей! "Command! The Vietnamese's Admiral Nakhimov has been hit and sunken by the Empress!"

Russian Naval HQ: что!? Черт возьми! Они за это заплатят! Взаимодействуйте со своей ударной командой и отомстите за наших товарищей! "WHAT!? God damnit! They'll pay for that! Engage with your strike team and Avenge our Comrades!"

Russian Commander: Да, шеф! "Yes Chief!"

After they've met each other, by radio.

US Admiral: *Radio* So. We have a Common Enemy to kill, Commander Stepan Anton Vyacheslav.

Commander Vyacheslav: Да. The Empress of the Seas, must pay for the price of our comrade's death. Admiral Hayden Joel.

Admiral Joel: Yeah. Let's settle our differences later and avenge Hồ Chí Minh and Commander Viện... I'll miss you, Nick.

Commander Vyacheslav: Of course, for our Hồ Chí Minh?

Admiral Joel: Yes. For Hồ Chí Minh.

Both USS Carl Vinson and VMF Pyotr Velikiy's strike team went at the PLAN Shandong and fight her. The Air Superiority from Carl Vinson and the Firepower of Pyotr Velikiy has overpowered the Shandong and her strike fleet. Many of both sides has been sunk, by rockets, air strafe and shells. Only a few of the USS and VMF Ships, including Carl Vinson and Pyotr Velikiy ships...

But... at least the Empress of the Seas and her Army, was finished. Though they have avenged Commander Viện, what did it cost...?

Most of their ships are in need or repairs while others are done for... Blinded by revenge. They sailed back to Japan, for three days... And sit at a bench, with Joel a whiskey and Vyacheslav, his vodka.

Admiral Joel: ...

Commander Vyacheslav: So, it was a costly victory?

Admiral Joel: A Pyrrhic victory, to be exact... I can't believe we loss a lot of men to the Empress of the Seas... Let alone our fleets...

Commander Vyacheslav: Да... No wonder...

A moments of silent...

Commander Vyacheslav: Hey, at least we beat their retrofitted aircraft carrier, yeah?

Admiral Joel: *Sighs* Yeah...

They both cheers with their bottles, and drinks it. And said their farewells.

Japanese Captain: Leaving that Early, you two?

They both turn around, to see a female Captain.

Admiral Joel: And, who are you?

Japanese Captain: Izumi Kyo Shiori. You can just call me, Shiori. My fleet was able to stop an ambush fleet of the PLAN, but hearing what happened to both of your fleets, I came here to say sorry...

Commander Vyacheslav: It's fine, Comrade. You did your part after all.

Admiral Joel: Either Way. Our fleet is done for...

Captain Shiori: Oh, don't worry. We have a escort fleet for you guys, and what about you, Admiral...?

Admiral Joel: It's Admiral Joel. I arrived here to help the remaining Vietnamese Fleet.

Captain Shiori: Oh! You're the Renegade Admiral who've disobeyed order from the US President to help the evacuation!

Admiral Joel: So, I'm getting infamous, by the US and across the world.

Commander Vyacheslav: Well? News about us?

Captain Shiori: That too! A US Admiral and a Russian Commander, teamed up to avenge the Commander of the VPNS Hồ Chí Minh!

Admiral Joel: Huh. Where?

Captain Shiori: Everywhere! From Social Media to the people who've recently evacuated! You guys are the first to bridge the gap between the US-Russian Alliance! Plus, the US and Russia are sending more ships, for a joint task force! Oh, and the Congress decided to approve the joint task force, and appointed Joel as Leader!

Both the Commander and Admiral looked at her in shock.

Commander Vyacheslav: Well... I guess that's not over then.

Admiral Joel: *Groans* Looks like it...

Meanwhile... at HQ-486...

As it was about to sunk into the ocean, a blue portal opened and sucked the battlecruiser away. Leaving only a faulty Anti-Ship Missile floating by the time the scrapping team has arrived... They've managed to disarm the missile and carried it to Australia. Where the monument of HQ-486 is maded for the sacrifice of the crew and the Commander.

But little do they know... Hồ Chí Minh is going to have a Adventure. In a world of SIRENs and Shipgirls... lots and lots of shipgirls...

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