Step Two : Your Eyes Tell

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Donghua wake up in the afternoon and see her in his arm sleep so peacefully , my little fox is so adorable.. His little move waking Fengjiu , she open her eyes with her Doe Round eyes blink twice at Donghua and suddenly give him her brighten smile

"Donghua you still here, this is my best day ever I love you Donghua I love you so much "

Donghua feel so warm at her presence and reply " I Love you too my sweet little fox" and kiss her birthmark gentle.

Fengjiu wake up and sit on her bed while looking at him "Donghua can we have a talk?"

"Sure " Donghua said " What you wanna talk Jiu'er?"

"What change your mind Donghua? Not that I'm not believe you is just after so many years what come across that can change your decision I wonder?"

Donghua pause for a bit and then start to talk

"Jiu'er these many years I can't stop thinking about you, I think the best thing to keep you safe for Wrath of Fate is to stay away from me since you know i lost 90% of my cultivation just to spend a little time with you in mortal realm.

I can't even save and protect you when you cut your tail your silly fox so how can i be so sure to have you by my side then i think the best place for you is Qing Qiu. Since all your family can stand for you, they care about you too. And beside who dare to mess with Bais clan right?

Fengjiu nodded her head in agreement

You see my love, along those year you accompany me in Taichen Palace how many danger that you face that can almost took your life don't you remember?

That's why I always hesitate to be with you because I was afraid to lose you. So I have to stand strong on my place and believe me i'm hardly sent you away.

But these years I'm not 100% let you go either as you might aware I'm still following you even when you not knowing, Siming still gathering news about you Jiu'er and report directly towards me everything that happen to Qing Qiu especially to you.

You must know that my only concern is your safety. You must stay alive so i can be at ease and the realm can be free from danger.

If something happen to you I don't know what I'm gonna do, do you remember the day i save you from the Pagoda, i can't control my self from thinking i might be to late to save you, my killing aura can't be hide

If something happen to you I don't know what I'm gonna do, do you remember the day i save you from the Pagoda, i can't control my self from thinking i might be to late to save you, my killing aura can't be hide

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Jiu'er I might can handle not seeing you but as long as I know you are safe and sound I think it's will be enough for me, but this pass years I'm always thinking and considering rather what I'm done is right.

I see you sometimes through this copper mirror every time it's show the image of you crying or drunk is barely make me hang on and curse my self.

Yesterday I saw you again and suddenly a thought crossing my mind Jiu'er, If you in your desperate state decide to left me.

I mean really left me alone in this universe without being happy, and without knowing my true feeling towards you that would be my biggest regret Jiu'er. And I think I can't handle those lost.

I don't know if you remember when we are in the mortal realm Jiu'er when I lost you I cant help my self to stay alive , my mortal body died from love sick my love.

So I make up my mind now my little fox to keep you with me so I can keep you safe and sound through my protection.
I'm offering you my little fox myself I promise to love you and care for you for eternity.

How Is it my love? Will you be with me for Eternity ? "

Fengjiu look at Donghua with teary eyes and can't hide the happiness and also the worry said " Donghua, I'm willing to fight with you but although you know how much I love you and willing to live forever with you but I'm still afraid Donghua,

My heart is shatter from time to time, I'm must protect so it won't be harm anymore. Not that I'm not believe you but I'm asking you for time. Can you give me time Donghua, so I know you won't banned me again in the future?"

Donghua held his breath and gasp " I know I must hurt you so much, forgive me love. I will do anything I can to build your trust again and of course to prove my sincere towards you. You have my words I will give you time, but can you promise me one thing Jiu'er?"

" What is it Donghua?"

" You will allow me to see you and come to you?"

Fengjiu look at him and smile " Of course Donghua , you are welcome here as you like "

Donghua bring Fengjiu to his embrace and caress her raven hair that fall like waterfall and can't hide the happiness.

After the Confession, Fengjiu take Donghua sightseeing Qing Qiu towards The Lake that always be her favorite spot. They laid to a big tree while hugging each other, Donghua put a privacy barrier so no one can see them there and conjure a tea set and different kind of snack and resting there. He will shower his little fox with the happiness in the world as last what he plan to.

"Jiu'er I must return to Taichen Palace for now, I will come and see you again soon. But if you need me just ring your bell I'll come soon as possible " Donghua said while kiss her birthmark with love.

" I just want to spend more time with you but i guess this must me one thing i must tolerate since you still have your responsibilty. Will i be Seeing you soon Donghua? " Fengjiu smile at him brightly

" We will, i will find away to be able for us together meanwhile Be Good little fox and don't forget to nutrish your self since you lost your weight so much "

" I will Donghua, you too take care of yourself"

Donghua kiss her goodbye before disappear in the mist and leaving Fengjiu behind watching his shadow gone.

Fengjiu turn back to fox den and prepare dinner for herself and back to her room and have another rest.

"I can't believe we are together now , I wish this not going to be the dream only when I wake up tomorrow "

I hope this happiness can stay long enough not just a short one

Fengjiu driving her self into half half situation
Half happiness half worries

But since Donghua himself already decide then why should she be afraid.

Let's face everything that might happen i'm sure we both can face it

With the positive mind send her to her long sweet dream with her lover..

I'm still working on this story i will update asap. Thankyou enjoy the read

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