Step Thirty One : For You

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FYI : immortal conceived 3years before delivery.


In The Morning Fengjiu announced her pregnancy and the family’s goes wild, her grandfather even already wants to celebrate by having a party.

But Donghua add in “ I think it will be best this pregnancy only be notice by people close enough, everything must not becoming vast since they might be people with bad intention. I must keep them safety so I recommended keeping this information only inner circle “

Bai Zhe realize what Donghua said make sense so he agree with this term, beside they keep secret best. They protect their family in first place.

They gather around Fengjiu and Donghua and congrats them for the news and hoping for the babies delivery safety and healthy.

Donghua want to take Fengjiu to Bihai changlin for resting, but Fengjiu refuse. She want to stay at Taichen Palace and sometimes in Qing Qiu, she have the internal system that works best in this two places. If they stay at Bihai Changlin there’s only two of them and this is also her first time conceive so she need the source to stay close to her that is needed everytime. She love her babies already and will do anything for them.

Donghua find her reasonable so agree, but then he thinking to add more guards around fengjiu while he is occupied, this too being rejected at first since Fengjiu feel she can take care of herself, but since this is about compromise so she will take middle option. She will add only two more guards to assist, but only when she has to be in Qing Qiu or outside Taichen Palace. If in Taichen Palace she want no protection since no one dare to break and make a fuss in his place. Taichen Palace have the best security in the entire realm, they are chosen and approved only by Dijun, which now under Fengjiu approval. But to work at Taichen palace the screening is 100 times more difficult than other place. All maid serves in Taichen Palace not only be able to do their job but they can also be a guard.

Donghua agreed to add two more guards around his wife only if she goes outside Taichen Palace.

Fengjiu personal assistant Cha cha too nowadays learns swordsmanship under Fengjiu tutelage, and she had a talent to it either, sometimes their also do sparing. Donghua see how Fengjiu care for her personal assistant and try to make her happy by ascending her into immortal. He cleans her mortal dust with holy water himself, so Cha cha now is immortal. And when he tell fengjiu she become enthusiastic and of course grateful for his husband understanding.

During her first semester of her pregnancy Donghua will stay with her often, but there is a time when Fengjiu mad at him and even doesn’t want to look at him during three to fourth month of her pregnancy. It’s not because Donghua make mistake, it’s just it. When Donghua ask Zhe Yan he only said it’s normal, she just having a mood swing, it will past in sometimes just endure her. With that Donghua left.

But things get better when entering her six month pregnancy. During this period Fengjiu like a glued to Donghua, doesn’t want to be separated. Even when time Donghua head to court she will like giving tantrum because she doesn’t want to be left behind. So he take her with him but since he doesn’t want her to get tired he carry her in his arm, and only using aura to travel since according to Zhe yan this is the best way. Fengjiu just sit at his lap during the court, and she makes all the immortal envy especially Goddess with Donghua Dijun Affection towards his wife.

They love story become one of the most people excited to know and share, His ways treat fengjiu become a standard for all men when they want to married woman.

When the pregnancy enters seven months, Donghua need to go East Sea since there are some case. Liansong report some of Ancient Sea Serpent was find slaughtered, but there still doesn’t have any clue of it. Hearing this case he find the needed to investigate. But not willing leaving her wife behind, so he ask her wife about this

“ Xiao bai, I need to go to Eat Sea since there is something occurred, I must go and check since I think this relate to Miao Luo. But what you do, do you want to tag along? It might be danger “

“ If I want to come with you, will you allow me ?”

“ That’s why I’m asking you, I feel bad if I’m leaving you behind. Even if you come with me you might be in danger but I will protect you. Lin and Yue*will follow to double the security. You have my Tiancang Cage so it will be oke “

*Lin and Yue are brothers, they are one of Donghua general son who swear to follow Donghua and place to protect Fengjiu

Fengjiu smile at his husband consideration. She nodded her head agree to go with him.

Even entering 7 month pregnancy, she still show no baby bump. Only small different and other won’t notice if she is conceiving.

Their leaving tomorrow morning and Cha cha has prepared her necessity, she also prepare her armor even she wish she never needed to wear that.

After breakfast, they ready to leave. Lin and Yue will stay close around Fengjiu , while Fengjiu will be aura travel with Donghua. They disappear in purple mist follow by Lin and Yue in blue mist.

East Sea

Yehua and Liansong already in East Sea, when Donghua and Fengjiu arrived they show him the slaughtered place, Fengjiu stay inside the cave with Lin and Yue it’s only a meter apart from Donghua since the smell is very bad, she even use magic to cover her nose from the smell.

Donghua is scanning the dead serpents. Total 10 serpents are found death. And all seem like highly cultivated. According to his knowledge this must be one of Miao Luo role. She sucking all the cultivation. This might perhaps many other will be founded if they not moving fast. It’s time to again visit her even Mo Yuan already doing his best to keep her trapping. But somehow there are still other hand giving her a help. While their still investigating a shadow run towards outside the cage, Fengjiu notice and quickly run to chase the shadow follow by Lin and Yue

“ DIhou “ they both scream seeing Fengjiu run

Donghua seeing what happen, he quickly follows her.

Fengjiu put her armor in one swish and materialize her arc, she quickly aim her target and in one single shot she bring down the shadow. Lin act quickly trap the shadow down and tight with the heaven rope, it will get tighten when moving. And the shadow just screams in hurt.

Donghua arrive in time and hurry check on his wife, seeing she alright move towards the shadow. He was daring to face Donghua but he don't seem the urge to talk to him, Donghua raise his hand and place them on his forehead and read his mine and collect the information he needed.

The shadow just know nothing, he just finding target so Miao Luo can do the rest

After that Donghua told Lin to bring to heaven and prisoned until the needed time.

Donghua then walk back towards Fengjiu
" you're being a great help my love" he kiss her and seeing her in her armor he know he can count on his wife.

Liansong and Ye hua quickly scanning the place to find anything unusual, Just when the thing become more calm, hundreds of arrows flew attack on them all, but when the arrows fly aim to Fengjiu suddenly a blast  spread from her body and shield her in light, none of the arrows can harm her, it's just fall down before touching her.

"What the.."
Donghua seeing what happening materialized Canghe, make a spell to multiply his canghe and attack all of them in one slash.

The shadow being shoot death along with the attackers
He never show mercy..

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