Step Twenty Two : My Time

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Taichen Palace

They have been married for 3 years now, and they live a happy life, People around Taichen palace, Nine Heaven and Qing Qiu get used to see how DOnghua spoil her Dihou. No one dare to speak Donghua affection to his Empress.

Sometimes in Taichen palace Donghua will do something beyond imagination just to make his wife happy

“ Do you wanna play with fox?” Donghua ask fengjiu when the wheater is a little warm with an brizzy wind.

“What are you talking about ?” fengjiu asked in wonder her eyelid keep blinking

Play with fox like this", He transform himself into nine tailed silver fox and make a cute cycle around fengjiu, while making her startled.

“But DOnghua you have a court to go, how can you be such a baby act like this”

“ You can take me there, it’s oke no one care I will be there or not, you can represent me there “ Donghua said on his mind.

“ Hmm.. That’s sound fun they wouldn't know about you right. They might think you give me a fox pet ” Fengjiu gigled

Fengjiu take  her silver fox in her arm and bring him along to the court, when they arrive all of the deity are bow to her but she really doesn't like the formality so she just give a nod and walk away. But no one dare asking where is Dijun except for Liansong

” Lian song Greet Dihou”

“ No Need, third prince”

“ Are you alone?  Donghua not coming with you is a rare thing and not his style to leave you alone unguided”

Fengjiu shake her head and show him the Fox Donghua , but DOnghua not saying anything he just keep in her arm while she stroking his fur right between his ear and neck where the fengjiu most likely spot. And he love it too.

“ You spoiling her Dihou”

“ He spoiling me too Third Prince, come I have a court to attend on my husband behalf .

Fengjiu seat in his seat, just like usual only the different he is now in her lap cuddling on her. The heavenly father Haode doesn’t like Fengjiu but he can’t do anything to her since he scare his neck will be torn by Chang he.

Today court Xu Yang as a Demon King come and offering marriage proposal for his sister who said the prettiest in the Demon Kingdom. Jiheng is a lovely women who like many other woman have a big crush on Donghua, but as far as fengjiu know his best friend Yan Chi Wu also have a crush on her. But they relation kind of complicate since the princes don’t have a heart on him. But what in heaven the purpose of this Demon King want from this marriage agreement

“ Elaborate “ Haode Tianjun give Xu Yang change to talk

“ Of all Respect , my sister Jiheng somehow is Meng Hao daughter which is one of Donghua Dijun general in the past, not long ago he face his calamity and turn into nothingness, before he vanish he asking me to hand his daughter under Donghua Dijun protection. So that’s why I’m offering this proposal. So Donghua Dijun can take her being one of his consort” Xu Yang bow deep.

Fengjiu hearing of this matter turn angry while Donghua calm her in mind “ Don’t get angry xiao bai, I’m not gonna take her either “

“ Let me handle this DOnghua, what he doing is belittle my position and look down who I m, I must take charge so next time we won’t face the same trouble “

Fengjiu answer “ OH, and I wonder if Demon King Xu Yang notice that Donghua Dijun had already have a Dihou, and not planning to have any other wife”

Xu Yang respond “ I’m aware Dihou is Donghua Dijun Empress, but somehow my sister is his long general daughter, he might want to consider this proposal”

Fengjiu offence “ No need to, my words is Donghua Dijun words and is valid. For this matter on my husband behalf  I can ensure you that he will do the same”. While keep stroking his fox on her lap and keep her calm voice.

“To repay his father I can give you Donghua Dijun words, you too must acknowledge in this time there are turbulence on your kingdom itself, with this Miao Luo already try to break free several time. Last time she also got me injured, and also some demon traitor who work under her as a spy. While you offering this why don’t you work harder in maintain the stability of your Kingdom before it turn into war and bring chaos to the realm. From what I heard your internal kimgdom  issue also become hype at this time, I suggest you bring this marriage proposal to Demon Lord Yan Chi Wu and with that you will be able to strengthen your kingdom and have alliance with that, he is a capable Lord of Demon which been approved by my husband and myself, and have a good relationship with Nine Heaven, further his twins brother is student of Mo Yuan God of War who married with Ghost Princess. So with this he will the best candidate for your sister. With this I also will announce Taichen Palace doesn’t receive any more marriage alliance. “

With that she stood up and walking away with his silver fox still on her arm.

“ You’re doing great my love “ Donghua said in his mind while looking at her

“ Why they still trying to steal you from me? , I think I must hide you so no one dare to ask that stupid question anymore”

“ It doesn’t matter any way, my heart only fill with your love. Don’t get mad, now teach me how to be a real fox “ he try to disturb her mind

“ Hmm well let’s have a fox training “

Taichen palace

Fengjiu turn into red fox with her majestic nine tailed, and run into silver nine tailed fox and do fox kisses by rubbing their nose together, They spend the afternoon running around Taichen Palace and sometime they also wrestling which she let Donghua win but with great effort “ she is really good in giving a torture, I must try harder next time “
She teach him how to dig a hole, and have fun while her hand got a dirt in it. When tha afternoon come they transform back to their human body, Donghua quickly conjured clean cloth to clean her hand and himself as well.
Seeing her wife laughing is the most priceless and Donghua plan to spoil her even more.

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