Step Seventeen : Miss Right

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Fengjiu hardly open her eyes and see her sleep under Donghua embrace, and fill happiness through her body. My man she said touching his nose

Donghua open one of his eyes and said sleep with me a little longer love

“ But Donghua we must eat purple yum cake in the second day of our wedding day “ she stood up.

“ You want everyone know we just consummate our wedding “

Fengjiu blush “ No. It’s just tradition to follow “

Fengjiu left DOnghua sleep and silently go to kitchen and make a purple yum cake for Donghua.

When he wake up later on, Donghua found his bed without her, and she enter the room just to bring him the cake she made.

“ You still making this don’t you”

“ Hurry up and eat it, I’m embarrassed already”

Donghua eat it and offer Fengjiu to eat it too

They sit at the lotus pond and having a tea while Fengjiu said “ Now how we ae going tell my family about the wedding. My dad is kind of old fashion. I’m afraid he is not gonna let this go easily”

“ Of course he will Xiao bai, beside we already make the best movement. Action first explanation last. No way your family gonna reject my proposal. Beside I’m Donghua Dijun “

“ Because of you are DOnghua Dijun. You are not from three generation family, and you are not holding any important position right now. It’s not giving you in an advantage position beside your handsome face “

Donghua so surprice hearing his wife explanation “ OH, I don’t know Qing Qiu have those kind of Requirement in finding son in law. But I guess you have not to worry, even though right now I’m not holding any position nor from thee generation but I love you and you love me too, isn’t it will be the best requirement Xiao bai”

“ I guess so, I need to talk with my Grandpa first to make him on my side before facing my father “

Donghua find her so cute thinking how she scare of their family unapproved of their wedding.

“ No need to worry xiao bai, let your husband do the talk.Now get ready shall we, we will meet your family later”

Fengjiu give her nod.

Fox Den

The family already gathering since they receive an missive from Donghua that said something important is need to be discuss

Fengjiu hide behind Donghua robe.

When their arrive everyone in the room pay respect “ Greet Dijun”

“Rise, no need formality.”

Baizhe said “ What the important thing that need us to talk Dijun”

“ Not much I just have something to announce , Bai fengjiu and I already get married. Here are our wedding registration, I’m sorry not coming first to you for the wedding arrangement, but before my trial I have promise xiao bai that I will marry her when the trial is over so I did “

In the corner of the room Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen drink their wine while give a smile

“ I never know this lessie gonna turn Fox den upside down today, if my second brother couldn’t except this, they gonna be a war happen inside this Den”

“ I can’t believe Donghua will do such a movement “act first” surely your family already beaten up. And the subject of this matter the naughty little fox seem so happy to married her long lost love”

Bai Zhe take a look at the Wedding registration and see if the document is valid , but he can’t say other thing since this is already absolute and they even got Nuwa Goddess to become their witness. Bai Yi took the scroll from his father and read it disbelieve.

“ How could you take our daughter without permission from us first, and just tell us that your both already married. How could such of thing exist”

Fengjiu stand up in front of Donghua

“ It’s the wedding of ours father, and I’m already agree when Donghua offer it. This wedding is absolute and can’t be void under any circumstance. I want my wedding as simple as it can without facing to much rules. Especially in Nine Heaven. Look at Gugu wedding it took more than 300 years preparation. Donghua and I already waste thousand of year, The wait is to long father. So please give us the family bless. I promise you I will never bring Qing Qiu in shame, and we both will live a happy marriage life since we both love each other. “

“ But Xiao Jiu Donghua Dijun rejected my proposal years ago, why now “

“ We clear the misunderstanding Bai Yi “ Donghua explain “ What I told you back then when I erase my name on the Rock is already settle. I have rewrite my name, and xiao bai is the name that tag from me since the beginning. So this relation is not ill fate, but it is fate “

“ How come” Bai Zhe asked

“ I don’t need to tell the detail, you just have to know that it is done”

With that Baizhi can't argue anymore since his granddaughter was madly inlove with this ancient God

“ So than you both have my bless” he said

“ Father “ Bai Yi interrupted

“ Bai Yi control yourself. Dijun is former ruler Of Heaven. Xiao Jiu is on the right hand. Don’t worry too much “

Fengjiu run towards her grandfather and hug him “ Thankyou grandpa “ Her grandmother and mother and her aunty also giving their bless and cry a happy tear since this is what she dream for so long become reality

Her uncle also happy with Zhe yan. Zhe yan walk to Donghua “ Old Rock you finally made right your mind, but let me remain you, this little fox will bring your pleasure life upside down “ and start walk away laughing hard

Donghua just think he could pluck this old phoenix so he become bald for teasing him. Donghua start to talk

“ So now I’m offering to held wedding party to honor My Empress that will be held in Qing Qiu according to My Empress request alongside with Qing Qiu custom . Taichen Palace will be coordinating with Qing Qiu in held this bouquet. “

“ So Dijun you are saying Qing Qiu will responsible for the whole party “

“ That’s right, of course Taichen Palace will be part of it, All expenses will be on Taichen Palace. Qing Qiu will take the honor to make the wedding that will be remembered in a history“

“ When Dijun plan to have this wedding party”

“ I’m already count the date, let’s have it one month for now and will be held for ten continues day. What do you think Bai Zhe, maybe you have other option. “

“ No Dijun , we’ll arrange according to your wish”

“ Good, Zhonglin will come tomorrow and start the preparation. Meanwhile I’m gonna take Xiao Bai to Bihai Changlin. We will a week return before the Wedding “

With that Donghua and Fengjiu left the fox den to Bihai Changlin leaving the Bais family in chaos. Since they have to arrange a proper wedding in less than a month. But Qing qiu is well known for the party people so they all excited to make a grand wedding eve. Beside this is the wedding of former rules DOnghua Dijun with Bais Grandchildren This gonna be a Wedding of the Millenial.

They just can’t believe the Bais fortune. The daughter will be Tianhou and The granddaughter will be Dihou. This is extraordinary . Everyone is at the joy. Bai yi is also look happy since her daughter love reciprocate. But he slightly nervous, to think about his mischievous daughter, who can help her if they are fighting since her husband is the most powerful person in the realm. I hope Xiao Jiu can have upper hand towards Dijun or else she gonna be in deep trouble.

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