Step Four : Love Maze

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Taichen Palace

Seven Days after Dijun write the letter, Feng jiu step in Taichen Palace and welcome by Donghua at the entrance just to hold her in embrace

" I miss you so much my little fox"

" I miss you too Donghua " while hugging each other Fengjiu pull herself and stare at Donghua " So would you mind tell me what this is about? Why suddenly you asking such a favor towards Queen Of Qing Qiu to help you remodeling your Palace?"

Donghua Chuckling " Well it's not totally wrong either, you said you needed time, but mean while I needed you. So this is the best way for it, you can have your time and I can have you here with me don't you think so Jiu'er.

Before that you can also Redesign Taichen Palace to your preference Jiu'er to make it more like both of us.

Now come with me, I have something to show you " Dijun bring Feng jiu to the Paviliun that he make as a welcome gift for her lovely fox.

It's made with his cultivation and surround with Fuling Flower Tree dan Peach Blossom Tree with White and Gold, also have a huge bed with pink and purple pillow and blanket both favorite color. The floor made with crystal so it will feel cool even on summer

Fengjiu couldn't believe what she saw, "wow Donghua you made this for me? It's so beautiful I love it"

" Good if you like it, it will be used only you and me and people who you approve to. This place also under my protection i already build the strongest barrier so nothing gonna be happen to you while you are inside Jiu'er"

" Donghua you dot me best "

" Of course my little fox"

Their spend their afternoon in the pavilion and discuss about the changing Donghua accept to have.

" Actually I don't have any preference. You can do what ever you like Jiu'er, you can change according what suit you and make you comfort, since you gonna live here in near future as my Dihou "

Fengjiu look at Donghua unbelieve what she hear " Dihou? Are you sure Donghua?"

"Never in my life I'm feeling so sure about this Jiu'er. If I'm gonna take a Queen then it shall be you my little fox "

Fengjiu tears run from her eyes, but this time happy tears because what she waiting for century coming true.

" I'm eager being your wife Donghua your one and only love, but this will not be easy either Donghua since you already turn down Qing Qiu hand in married years ago I don't think my father will give his approval easily"

" You don't need to worry on those things my love, I'm gonna take care of it. Mean while you just need to rest here and bring back your cultivation, you're so weak Jiu'er you will need to recuperate in this time.

I have a suggestion Jiu'er while you spending time here, why don't you be my student? I will teach you swordsman skill and meditate to increase your cultivation? What do you said?"

"Donghua you never once take a student before? You wanna take me under your tutelage? It will be my honor and Qing Qiu honor Master. Fengjiu smirk her lips towards Donghua

"Ah.. I said I'm gonna teach you but I don't want you to call me Master. Don't make more complicated in our relation. I'm teaching you because you must be able to protect your self more if I'm not around you Jiu'er and you also have to prepare for your heaven trial to ascend "

" Alright Donghua, when will we start?"

" Tomorrow morning, for now you only need to rest since we will practice in long hour"

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