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She insist to go on her own so I don't have a choice to tell my men to follow her. And on my way out I instruct Kenma and Yaku to investigate who could be that chasing y/n.

"Report eveything to me" I said to my men who will follow y/n.

A few hours later they reported that she went to someone's house. And a few men went keep following them to.

While I'm here in a meeting at my office. Although my focus is on my ohone waiting for their reports.

"Let's conduct another meeting next week regarding the matter. I want complete information." I said as I look at the nervous person who is responsible to report the current situation of the business.

I stood up and went my way out.

"Ready the car" I said and my secretary immediately prepared the car as I walk down the company.

My car accompanied by two other cars on my way to where y/n is.

"What's happening?" I said as I immediately picked up thr phone call. I heard gunshots.

"We lost her" my men said as I heard his trembling voice.

"Go to that place" I said and the location immediately send to the gps on the car.

As we arrived I immediately went out of the car carrying my gun. I divide my men into two groups to look for her and the remaining men went with me.

I went to the the house where she went and look around. A picture of a familiar girl caught my attention. She's standing besides y/n sweetly smiling.

"No- no way" I said to myself as my voice are trembling. It can't be. She has a sister. That's why she resembles her. No way, y/n's sister is my fiance. I look around the places and saw traces of my fiance. It can't be.

"Boss" my men shout out of the room and I immediately went out.

"We saw her running from roof to roof as four men running after her" He said. They show me the directions and saw four men on the roof.

"Sniper gun" I said and they immediately gave me the sniper gun. I take an aim to the men chasing her. 1 shot. 1 dead man. Second shot. 2 dead men. She looks where the gun shot is from and even if it's far away from me, our eyes meet. And saw the two men caught her as they fall on the ground. I throw the gun on the ground and went inside the car and immediately drove on her way.

I saw men dragging her to the car. She had blood on her face because of the fall maybe. My anger boiled up as I gritted my teeth. I won't lose you too.

I step on the gas as I chased after them. They fire their guns on my car and as I struggled to keep the car in track. They aimed on the tires. And I lose control on the wheels. They gone too far for me to chased after them.

"No." I said as I saw her taking away from me.

A few minutes later my men arrived. I looked angrily to them. I feel frustrated.

"Kenma" I said as I made a phone call while on my way home.

"Yes. I got it. The location is on the old building that will be demolished next week. On Shine District" Kenma said knowing why I call him.

"Thank you" I said. And as we arrived. Tora already sets the men coming with us. As well as the guns.

"Let's go" I said as Tora and Lev are in the same car as mine.


As y/n dragged in a run down building. She lost consciousness and woke up at the sight of some guys smoking and on guard. Guns on their hands.

"Oh looks like silent killer is awake now" one man said and I immediately look at him.

"Don't you remember us?" He asked. And some fragments of memory of them flashing on my mind. We went on a mission with this bunch of guys and one of them is him. She pulled my hair smiling evily.

"Stop that" A familiar voice said. He walk towards me wearing a formal suit that looks dazzling on him. He has a blood eyes and a pale skin.

"How have you've been silent killer?" He asked as he touches my face.

"Sh-Shion?" I said. Shion is one of those guys who cared for me in this environment. He doesn't let me overboard the mission and preventing me to kill anyone.

"What do we have here?" A strong voice coming from the door. Shion immediately stood up and make a way to this man.

"So, how's our number one assassin here huh? Who couldn't kill a girl" He said smirking. He punched me really hard that makes my lips bleed.

And now, all of the memories are coming back one by one. And one of the painful memories is my sister. I don't need to look for her anymore, unless I look for her grave. My tears starts to fall.

"Oh maybe you remember now. Well, that's grateful. Less hassle for us" he said and laughed like a psychopath.

"I'll go straight to the point. I have a new assignment for you" he said as he sat to the nearest chair.

"I'm not doing it" I said firmly.

"Who said you can decide for that?" He said as he look at me.

A scream can be heard down on the building.

"Well, I don't have much time. Shion will discuss it to you tomorrow. At the same place" he said as he stood up. Shion look at me looking worried.

"We have something for you. Your favorite" he said and force me to eat a drug. I got dizzy. They untie me and gave me guns. The surroundings are spinning and the noises are ringing to my ears. They gave me a gun and they left one by one.

"Kill who ever enters" he said and walk out of the door.

The door suddenly opens revealing Kuroo's men. I know they're not enemy but I can't stop myself. No. Stop. I told myself to stop as I fired the gun. No this is not me. Shion help me stop. I don't wanna do this anymore. I heard them scream in pain. I know. I really know but my body moves on it's own.

Suddenly Kuroo shows up and I fired the gun in him causing his left arm to bleed. I saw his eyes surpised for a second and calmly walks infront of me.

"Let's stop" He said calmly making me to come back to my senses.

"I'm sorry" I said to him.

He help me walk and went to his car. A few of his men wounded because of me. I can't say a thing. My eyes starts to close as I feel heaviness of it. It's tiring. I ended up sleeping at Kuroo's shoulder. When I woke up I saw the familiar ceiling of Kuroo's room. I saw him looking at a picture frame. He place it back carefully on his table. And he looked at me as he saw me awake.

"How's your feeling?" He asked me.

"G-good" I said.

"I know it's not good to ask this when you just woke up but it keeps bothering me. Are you s/n's little sister?" He asked me.

"H-how do you know my sister?" I asked him. He looks sad ad he look back at the picture frame. And now I saw who it is, it's my sister and him on the frame.

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