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I left early today to grab some breakfast at the convenience store hoping to see her again. But when I arrived at the convenience store she's not there.

"Excuse me" I said to the man standing infront of the cashier.

"Yes sir?" He said.

"Y/n not here today. Is it her day off?" I asked the man.

"Ah yesterday she went to the hospital for her check ups and today she called that she's staying on his friend house!" The man explained.

"Ahh!" I said. That's too bad. I woke up from a really bad hang over hoping to see her.

"Ahh sir??" The guy said.

"Ah. Thank you!" I said and went out of the convenience store.

That's too bad. I went to my car and drove back to my house. It's loud as ever.

"Hey! Don't be too loud the neighbors will get angry to us again!" I said as I entered the house. As usual Tora is making unnecessary noises again. Kenma sleeping on the couch. Yaku is now cooking for us. Fukunaga watching television.

I went to my room and lay down. And fall asleep again. The next I knew I woke up pretty late. It's near 4pm. And I'm hungry.

I went downstairs straight to the kitchen. And eat what is left there.

"Kuroo!" Yaku called. I looked at him and raise one of my eyebrows.

"Some of our subordinates beaten up in pulp!" Yaku said with his calm voice.

"What they do again?" I asked him as I eat the left over foods.

"Well, some fucking bastard bragged about something and beaten up!" Yaku said.

"Okay. Tell Tora to pick them up and bring them to the base!" I said as I ate. Those bastard.

I change my clothes and we get in to the car. We arrived at the base and greeted by our underlings.

And there I saw theie faces fucking beaten up.

"Speak up before bullets let you speak!" I said as I light my cigarette.

And saw them shivering in fear. I get my gun at my back. Get off the safety. And point the gun on them.

"SORRY BOSS" They apologized right away.

"What I said to you guys?" I said as I squat infront of them.

"Don't pick a fight when it's unnecessary!" They said in their nervous voice.

"And you disobeyed me?" I said as I stood up. As the light off my cigarette fades.

"Tora. Discipline this bastard!" I said and left them to Tora.

"Koraaaa! Get your ass up or I'll beat you!" Tora said ringing at the base.

I went to my office. And light a cigarette again as I sat and put my feet into the table.

"Didn't I told you to not smoke again!"

Out of nowhere her image flashes at my mind. Her words ringing around. I throw the cigarette and put out the fire in it. As I look to our picture together.

It's hard to accepts that you're gone. If I'm here that time maybe you're still alive and nagging how I'm too possessive to you.

Ahhh. Why am I crying right now?

And now, I saw someone who is exactly resembles you although she's not cheerful like you. What should I do then? The more I'm seeing her the more I remember you. And hoping she's you.

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