Chapter 1

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Rain. It is always raining and don't get me wrong I love the rain but, it's been raining for a week now. I had plans for going out with my best friend Allison and I was going to plant some roses.

'You know what I'm not letting this rain ruin my day.'

I whipped out my phone and texted Allison to come over so we could chat and hang out since her parents were out of town. I don't know why but Allison's parents seem weary of me. I don't recall doing anything to make them so paranoid about me. I walked downstairs and unlocked the door for Allison since she is coming over and it won't take her long to get here. I walked into the kitchen and made a cup of tea. A few seconds passed after I made my tea and Allison waltz into the kitchen. Literally.

"Heya sleepy head!" Allison said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Just because my h/l h/c hair is messy doesn't mean I've been sleeping." I said with a bit of attitude.

I tend to have a bit of a attitude problem. Especially when I meet new people I just can't trust anyone.

"Okay okay I'm sorry tough girl." Allison said laughing.

I put my cup of tea down on the table and I lunged at Allison. We both fell to the floor and I started tickling Allison. Allison was laughing to the point she started snorting and begging me to stop. After a while I decided to stop.

"Oh my god y/n! I swear you are the queen of revenge and punishments." Allison said catching her breath.

"So I've been told." I said getting up off the floor.

"Oh by the way I got us plane tickets." Allison said as she grabbed my tea cup.

"Wait what? Why did you buy plane tickets?" I asked confused.

"Well, I figured since you have told me you would like to see more of the world I decided to get us plane tickets to Europe." Allison replied.

"Okay then. So when are we going?" I asked watching Allison drink the rest of my tea.

"Tomorrow." Allison said causally.

"Tomorrow!? Why couldn't you have told me sooner?!" I said irritated.

"Oh I did forget to tell you about it. Whoops." Allison said laughing nervously.

I rolled my eyes and dragged Allison to my room. She was going to help me pack my bags and she doesn't get a say in it. Of course we had fun by throwing clothes and socks at one another. A few hours later we actually finished.

"Man I missed having fun like this. Since you work all the time we haven't had time to you know spend time together as friends." Allison said brushing my hair.

"Yeah and I'm sorry about that." I said felling upset.

"No no, don't you dare start doing that. You needed to work since you were abandoned by your family. So it's okay." Allison said.

I smiled and closed my eyes. Allison and I have been friends since we were kids. I don't know what I would do without Allison. Suddenly my phone started to go off. I picked up my phone and noticed that I got a message from and unknown number.

"Who is that?" Allison asked looking over my shoulder.

"I don't know." I replied reading the message.

After reading the message I rolled my eyes.

"Never mind I know who this is. Remember the lab that runs tests on people with rare blood types?" I asked.

"Oh yeah yeah! They wouldn't leave you alone for the longest time because your  blood type is AB negative." Allison said.

"Yeah, well one of the doctors Dr. Kate Springer is wanting me to reconsider my choice. I'm just going to flat out tell her no." I said irritated.

I hate when people push me and are just pushy in general. I'm not going to be another test rat. I've suffered enough and I don't want to go through it again.

"Hey, y/n do you mind if I stay the night you know, like we used too?" Allison asked.

"Sure but did you bring your bags?" I asked getting up to stretch.

Allison just gave me are you kidding me look. Which means yes she did bring them. I rolled my eyes and gently punched Allison in the shoulder. Then Allison grabbed one of my pillows and hit me with it.


I grabbed my other pillow and we had a pillow fight. Every pillow fight we have turns into a tickle fight and Allison always loses. I don't know why but she does. After our little battle Allison and I made a pillow fort that we would sleep in. Allison convinced mr to watch YouTube videos with her and of course we watch the most random crap ever. I was not surprised when Allison fell asleep after the first few videos. I made sure to cover her up because I know she gets cold easily.

I stayed up to drink some tea and I munched on some pop tarts. As I was drinking my tea I suddenly got a terrible headache and it got so bad to the point I needed to take something for it. After I took some headache pills I went to bed and I covered Allison up again because she kicked the blankets off within a matter of minutes. While I was laying down I had that same thought that I always have.

'Who was the person that ruined my life.'

I've never met them but I want my revenge. I want them to suffer like I did. I was angry, very angry. I turned to lay on my side. I hate that I desire revenge so much and I hate how I can't get it out of my mind. It feels like I've been scared for life. I sighed and closed my eyes. I needed to get some sleep because tomorrow is going to be a interesting day.

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