Chapter 17

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I ran my fingers over the rabbits soft features. Maybe I've seen it in a dream? I took a closer look at the doll, inspecting literally everything. Suddenly, the rabbit, Buttons, jolted on it's own. I screamed and dropped the doll and moved further onto the bed.

"Wha-? I've never seen it do that before." Angie said looking at a surprised Donna.

"I've never seen that before either. I wonder why Buttons stirred like that." Donna said confused.

"I wonder if the others stirred as well since they are connected." Angie said.

"Others? Your niece had more puppets?"

"I made a doll for my niece whom she named Mary. I have Buttons and Mary, Alcina has Shade, Salvatore has Marvin, and Karl has the ring that he gave Y/n. All of the puppets, including the doll Mary, are all connected." Donna explained.

"Um, yeah, okay." I said shaken.

"Um, it's getting late so I think I'm going to head to bed. And my head hurts for some reason."

"Alright, if it gets worse please let me know so I can help you." Donna said sweetly.

I smiled and nodded then I went to my room. I plopped down onto my bed and I didn't bother changing out of my clothes. I got comfortable and drifted into a weird dream.

"Come on Buttons! Let's play hide and seek!"

I turned my head to see a girl are my age talking to the white rabbit.

"But master, your aunt Rina got upset with you because you forgot to do the rest of your homework." Buttons said with concern.

"Oh, I will be fine! I did all of it this time so she could complain! Come on!"

I assumed that I was seeing Donna's niece Y/n. But why?

The dream altered and I saw Donna's niece making two puppets. One that looks like her and Donna. Donna's niece turned her head slowly as looked right at me.

Then the dream showed me a little girl playing with Buttons. Then I woke up.

My breathing was heavy. What exactly was that about? I looked over to check the time. It was 8 in the morning. I feel like I didn't sleep at all.

Yawning, I got up a took a bath. After my bath I got changed a went to look for this doll. Of course Donna most likely knows where it is. I walked downstairs to see Donna in her chair knitting something.

"Hey, are you busy at the moment?"

"No, why?" Donna said looking up.

"I was wondering if you are up for showing me this Mary doll that you made for your niece."

"Ohh! I can show you! I can show you!" Angie said nearly screaming.

"I guess Angie will show you." Donna said laughing.

"Yep. Alright Angie, lead the way!"

Angie giggled and lead me down to the basement. Walking down the hallway, Angie stopped at a door and opened it. Inside was a bed and a desk. On that desk laid a doll in a black and pink dress, black heels, and a small doll sized umbrella. The doll's hair was black with pigtails held by two pink bows.

"This is Mary, and like Buttons she is lifeless. Mary was like a sister to me of course they all were like siblings to me. But look!" Angie said pointing to a painting.

"Y/n made that painting of all of us." Angie explained.

"I see."

I walked to the doll and picked it up. Looking at it, it reminded me of my sister. She had a doll just like this but after she died it disappeared.


My mind suddenly went blank and I saw Donna's niece again.

"Mary, be a dear for me and show our friend here the error of their ways by giving them the dolls curse please."

"With pleasure master!" Mary said.

A bolt was shot at the maid? The woman looked terrified.

"What did you do to me!?" She cried.

Donna's niece smirked a lifted the woman's head to look at her.

"The dolls curse stops the heart within a few minutes. I can shorten the duration if you wish."

"Wait a minute please!" The maid begged.

"Oh? Go ahead and do it? As you wish!" Donna's niece said with a insane grin.


I snapped out of whatever I was in thanks to Angie.


"Are you okay? You were zoning out." Angie said backing away from me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Was just lost in thought. Sorry."

I put Mary down and walked out of the room with Angie following me. First the dream and now some random memory.

What is happening? I'm not sure.

"So, why did Angie yell your name?" Donna asked as I entered the living room.

"Uhh, I was lost in thought and zoned out."

"What were you thinking about?" Donna asked.

Oh hell.

"Um, question first. Has that doll, Mary, ever disappeared for a year?"

Donna looked concerned.

"Yes...? Why?"

"Well, I remember that exact doll being in my sisters possession for a year and when she died the doll disappeared. Which I'm assuming it came back to you somehow." I explained.

"Oh? Interesting." Donna said confused.

"Is that why you were looking at Mary and zoning out?" Angie asked.



"Maybe it might have been a coincidence." Donna said.

Just agree because there is no way in hell she will be believe me.

"Yeah, probably."

"Oh! Y/n, there is a up coming meeting with the lords and Eugene. It can be a once a month thing or a weekly thing. This time hopefully it will be once a month not once a week." Donna said.

"Do you guys not like each other?"

"Well, once upon a time we got along. Yeah we had bad times but ever since Y/n got here we got along better. It was like.our family was complete. Now that Y/n is gone, no one has been the same." Donna said with a shaky voice.

"Y/n?" Donna started,

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" Donna finished.

That took me by surprise. Donna definitely noticed.

"I'm sorry for asking that so suddenly. If you don't want to I understand." Donna said rushed.

Donna was shutting down.


I could of sworn that Donna stopped breathing.

"What?" Donna whispered.

"If you want me to sleep with you to have thar comfort, then yeah, I'll sleep with you tonight."

Donna put her knitting needles in a basket next to her and she got up and hugged me crying.

"Thank you."

Donna is in a lot of pain and is very lonely. Donna is opening up to and on God, I will not shatter this trust.

Let's help each other get through out pain and loneliness Donna. As long as you trust me, I can help in the best way I can.

I promise.

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