Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- Deceptive heels

'We need to stop doing this.' I say staring at him. He grabs a few tissues and cleans away his semen. 

'What we need is each other. What I need, is to fuck you on every surface in this house.' He says and wraps a hand around the back of my neck. I hear myself gulp. Staring into his eyes, all I see is Quinn's tear-filled eyes staring accusingly back at me.

I pulled away from him. 'I can't fucking do this with you Corbin.'

'Do what? I want you, Aviana. Have I not myself any more clear?' He says with the clench of his jaw. I blow out a steady breath, trying to calm the turmoil within me. What if Quinn lied? Did Corbin really rape her? I shake the thought from my head, why the fuck would she lie?

I hastily move away from his bed. I can't think like this, his scent and warmth were everywhere around me. 'Give in to me, Ana.' He says and comes to stand in front of me.

'I cant.' 

'Why?' He asks, lifting my face so that I stare directly into his eyes. Molten with pure desire.

'She'll hate me.' I whisper more to myself than him.

'Who'll hate you?' 

'It doesn't matter, Corbin. It means that this can never, and I mean never happen again.' I say and pull myself out of his reach. He sighs loudly and shakes his head.

'Then you have to stop too. No more longing looks, no more falling asleep in the fucking bathtub. And no more jealousy.' He says, pinning me with his gaze. I look at the floor and nod my head.

'Aviana.' He says.

I lift my head and look at him again, 'Yes?' My voice is hopeful? Of what I don't know, there's no fucking way that we'll be friends.

'Get the fuck out of my room', he says harshly. I glower at him, not liking his tone. He steps forward, forcing me to walk backward until I'm out of his room. He smiles and cocks his head to the side. Before I can utter another word he slams the door shut in my face.

I flinch at the noise. I find myself standing outside his door for a few minutes, not sure of what to do with myself. My ringtone knocks me out of the daze, and I found myself moving. I pick up my phone, Daddy flashes across the screen. 

I sigh as I answer, 'Hello.'

'Aviana.' Says his rugged voice.

'Hi, daddy.' I say and find myself smiling.

'Your mother misses you, she says she wants you to come to visit.' He says impatiently. He doesn't miss me. He never does. 

'Okay, I'll come to visit. This weekend okay?' I ask and mentally make a note to cancel my plans for this weekend.

He only grunts his response. 'Bye, dad-' The dial tone makes me stop. He never says goodbye.


I step into the warmth of the coffee shop and make my way towards the counter. The barista greets me with an annoyed grimace. 

'Yes?' she drawls.

I gulp down my nerves, 'One hot chocolate please.' I remove my wallet from my small purse and wait for her to tell me how much I owe.

'How old are you?' She asks abruptly.

'19.' I say with a confused frown, not knowing why she's asking.

She scoffs, 'Fucking childish.' she mutters under her breath. Not intending for me to hear.

'What's your problem?' Comes a voice from beside me. It's a woman. Her hair is the first thing I notice about her. Blonde, dyed with purple streaks. The barista turns and looks at her with a boring look.

'Nothing.' She says and turns her gaze back to me.

'That's what I thought. So stop being a cunt and make her hot chocolate. With extra fucking love.' The girl next to me says.

'Or what?' The barista challenges.

'Or I'll tell my dad to fucking fire you. Daddy Lewis will do anything for his precious daughter.' She snarls at the barista. I gulp and take a step backward. 

'That'll be $3.45.' The barista says with her brightest smile. I open my wallet and take out a five-dollar bill. A hand rests on my arm, stopping my movements.

'Don't stress babe, it's on her.' The woman says cocking her head towards the barista. The barista huffs in annoyance and takes out the money from her tip jar. She harshly sits the hot chocolate on the counter and gives me her most annoyed smile.

I take the drink and turn to leave the store. 'I'm Beth, by the way.' The woman shouts from behind me. I realize that I forgot to thank her.

I smile as I turn around, I nod my head in greeting. 'I'm Ana.' 

With that, I walk into the cold wind blowing outside. 'Wait!' A voice screeches behind me. Beth. She shoves a piece of paper into my hand. I stare down at her business card, what college student has a business card?

I stare up at her. 'Call me. I need some friends, and you look like you'll do just fine.'  She says, slightly out of breath. 

I nod and shove the card into my purse, 'Thank you, Beth.'

'You're welcome, Ana.' She says and then with the click-clack of her heels she's gone. I stare at the busy road in front of me. And I try to reign in my panic as swarms of people surround me. With a deep breath, I stare down at the hot chocolate in my hand.

With a fake smile on my face, and my hands clutched tightly around the paper cup, I walk the small distance home. 


The front door opens with the jingle of my keys. My hot chocolate is long gone, and I'm freezing. I set my keys down and walk to the kitchen. Corbin's bedroom door opens, at first I don't turn around...not ready to see his face. I take out my sandwich from the fridge.

when I hear the soft tiptoe of a woman's heels I spin around quickly. The plate drops from my hands and crashes loudly on the floor. Ceramic splinters everywhere, as I take in my best friend's face. Her hair's a mess, her cheeks flush and her skimpy dress wrinkled. Before I say anything Corbin steps out into the living room, his hair too was a mess and a look of satisfaction set deep in his eyes.

'Quinn?' Comes my whisper. I don't recognize my own voice. I try to shove the bile down, which was already climbing up my throat.

She stares at me, unflinching. 

I risk a look at Corbin, his face wore the stoic expression he always wore, but I saw the slight confusion that flickered in his blue eyes. What the hell was going on?

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