Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Brewing

It was a hard bang on the door that had woken me up. I picked up my phone and glanced at the time. 23:02. I stretched my limbs with a groan before climbing quietly out of my bed.

The living room was dead silent, and for a few seconds, I thought that I might've imagined the loud noise. But when I heard a soft thud I moved closer towards my door. It opened with a small creak. Peeking my head through the small gap I saw a man hunched over, with his elbows on his knees.

He sounded angry, I thought. With all the huffing coming from him, it was either that or he was a bull ready to ram through the wall. It was probably both.

I hesitated. Should I ask him if he was okay, or should I give him space? Probably space, how weird would it be if some random girl asked you to talk about your problems. I started to retreat into my room when a familiar voice spoke,

'You can come out. I'm not gonna bite. Unless you ask me too.'

I could hear the smile in his voice. He lifted his head and stared right at me. His blue eyes were piercing, making my face heat at the intensity of his gaze. A smirk touched his lips. His hair a mess. He was devastatingly handsome.

'Corbin.' I breathed out. I tried to remember to breathe.

His smile only widened. 'Birdie. What a surprise.'

I gulped and moved out of the doorway of my room. Only taking a few steps into the living room. It felt cramped, his presence filling the small space. It was suffocating. I was on the verge of suffocating.

'Wh-what are you doing here?' I ask.

'I live here.' He said in a bored tone.

He can't live here. I live here. How am I going to tell Quin, that I'm roommates with her rapist? I should be terrified of him.

I stared more closely at his face. My eyes following the contours of his jawline, over his full lips, and his one dimple on his right cheek. I stopped when I reached his eyes. They were filled with mischief and arrogance. I am terrified, I realize, but not for the reasons I should be.

'You can't live here.' I finally say. He raises an eyebrow and rubs one of his ring covered fingers over his lips.

'And I can't live here why?' He asks mockingly. I struggle to come up with a response but finally utter-


I wince as the words leave my lips,


That was the best I could come up with? I mentally facepalm myself.

Corbin releases a chuckle, still with that smug smile on his face he says, 'Because? Wow, birdie I'm impressed.'

I fold my arms over my chest, his eyes immediately follow the action and he stares shamelessly at my chest.

I shift from one foot to the other, 'Right well, I'm g-gonna go, to bed.'

I turn around and walk towards my door, before my hand touches the handle his smooth voice fills the space once more, 'Birdie?'

'Yes?' I answer without facing him.

'Cute jammies.' He says and a door shuts with a click. Another clicking sound follows a few seconds later.

When I'm in the safety of my bedroom I stare down at my 'jammies', I take in the waffle covered shorts and my largest sized shirt that reads, "I like big books and I cannot lie." What was wrong with my choice of sleepwear?

I didn't know the answer to that question, but something I did know was that Corbin definitely sleeps naked. And he definitely doesn't notice you when he goes to the bathroom.

I pressed random buttons on the coffee machine, hoping that one of them turns this stupid thing on. After multiple tries, I huff in frustration and smack the thing.

'Do not break my coffee machine, Birdie.' Corbin's voice said from behind me.

I blow out some air through my nose and turn around to face him. He was dressed now. Black jeans and a dark blue shirt.

'The thing won't turn on. I tried everything.' I say glaring at the coffee machine. He shakes his head and walks over to me.

I move out of the way when he reaches for the coffee machine. In seconds the coffee begins brewing.

'You see Birdie, electronics normally work when you plug them in.' He says with a smug smirk.

I stare at him and the machine with my mouth slightly open. 'I-Why was it even unplugged?'

He shrugs his shoulders and heads out.

'Aren't you gonna drink the coffee you so magically brewed?!' I shout after him.

'I already did, sweetheart.' He says with a wink and shuts the front door. Damn infuriating man.

I was on Campus. College was very different from high school. Nobody paid any attention to me, and I was extremely grateful. I headed to my first class, Economics 101.

My dad always tried to encourage me to pick my own courses, but he of course always had the right to say no. That's how I ended up in Professor Daniel's class. One of my father's childhood friends.

I enter the class and Professor Daniel walks towards me with a smile on his face. He's going to hug me.

I move out of the way quickly and find a seat. I sigh in relief, 'Well that was awkward.' Someone's voice says from beside me.

I turn to look at him. Dark brown skin, brown eyes, and a silver smile. 'Excuse me?' I ask him confused.

'The weird encounter with Professor D', he says. My face heats up instantly.

'I'm sorry, who are you exactly?' I ask with a frown.

He smiles at me and sticks out his hand. 'I'm Kandin.'

I nod and shake his hand, 'Aviana, but everyone calls me Ana.'

'It's nice to meet you, Aviana, but everyone calls me Ana.' He grins and turns around to face the lecture. I stare at his side profile dumbfounded. He still wore a subtle smirk on his lips.

Then I realize something, I maybe made a friend.

Then I realize something, I maybe made a friend

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