Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Late night 

Corbin smirked and slowly pulled his hand away. My face was warm with embarrassment. Ethan was the first to burst out laughing. The others soon followed suit. Even the man beside me began to chuckle.

'Well done, Corbin. It seems that our dear Ana just had her very first orgasm.' Ethan said with a stupid grin on his face.

'Don't worry, hun. It happens to the best of us.' Demi's sickly sweet voice entered my ears.

I covered my face with my hands, willing the lump in my throat to disappear. When I looked at them again, their faces were covered in smug amusement.

I took a swift glance at Corbin, he was trying his best not to laugh. His eyes were shut and the hand that covered his mouth didn't contain his grin.

I unfolded myself from the couch and walked off. As soon as I was a distance away, the circle of friends burst into hysterical laughter. Tears filled my eyes as I navigated my way through the house.

'Aviana!' Corbin's voice shouts far behind me. I ignore it and keep pushing myself through the sea of drunk and sweaty bodies.

He calls my name again.

I finally make it outside. The lawn worsened from when I arrived. Cups and articles of clothing littered the yard. I fold my arms around myself as I walk the small distance home.

I glance behind me. No one. It seems Corbin must've given up. I sigh and continue walking.

The house was silent and dark. I sighed and flicked on the lights. Dragging my way towards the bathroom, I start taking off all the layers of my outfit.

The door shuts with a soft click. I walk towards the sink and stare at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess of curls,  my mascara smudged and my greenish eyes, glazed over.

I lowered my gaze, my hands were gripping the porcelain sink. Warm tears track down my cheeks and drop down into the sink. With a loud sob, I look up and stare into my sad eyes.

I allow myself to cry for a few more seconds. I then wipe my tears with the back of my hand and smile at myself, 'You're gonna be okay. You're always gonna be okay.'

I undress further and step into the shower. The coldness of the water burns my skin and makes my teeth chatter, but I can't bring myself to care.

I dry myself off with a fluffy white towel and dress in my Three Days Grace t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

The bathroom door opens with a soft creak. As I shut off the light the front door opens. I stare at him, he stares right back. His hands rested in the pockets of his jeans, his hair was a mess...tussled by the wind.

'Aviana...' He says hesitantly. I shake my head and walk towards my bedroom. The last thing that I wanted to do was talk to him.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me away from the door. 'Let me go.' I say and try to yank my wrist out of his grip.

He tightens his hold and pulls me closer to him, reminding me how much taller it is than me.  'Listen. What I did back there was just a bit of fun.'

I scoff and finally manage to release myself, 'Fun? You call humiliating me, fun?!'

I fold my arms over my chest and glare at him. What a fucking asshole.

'That wasn't my intention. I told you not to fucking come in the first place!' He growls and thrusts his hands through his hair.

'Oh, so this is my fault!? How dare you!' I say throwing my hands frantically in the air.

'If you just listened to me, I wouldn't be here listening to your nagging!' He says taking a step closer. I immediately take a step back and feel my face warm. I knew my face was beet- red.

'Nagging!? LISTEN TO YOU!?' I poke his chest as I shout at him.

'You are not my master. I don't fucking answer to you!' I continue, blinded by my rage.

'God, you're insufferable. No wonder you don't have any friends.' He sighs and rubs a hand down his face.

'Fuck you. I do have friends.' I say in annoyance. He doesn't have friends. He has followers, servants, people who only hang out with him for popularity. Too afraid to argue or disagree, because just maybe it ruins their reputation.

'Oh, Quin!? Don't even get me started on that cheating bitch.' He spits. I clench my fists and dig my nails painfully into my palms.

'Don't you fucking dare speak her name!' I yell at him.

He scoffs, 'It's the fucking truth! It's not my goddamn fault that you hang around her like a weak, incompetent puppy.'

The words hit hard, but not hard enough. I've been called worse: selfish, a bitch, heartless. And that's only a few words from my mother. 'You have no right to utter her name. Not after what you fucking did to her!'

His voice turns into a chilling whisper, 'What? What did I do? Fucked her into the late hours of the night? Heard her scream my name as I ravished her slick cunt? Almost came in my fucking pants when she begged me to fuck her in the ass? What did I fucking do, Birdie? Because something tells me you don't want to know.'

I shiver as his words brush over me. I wanted those things and the worst part was that I wanted them from him. Did it really happen that way? Did Quin want it? It sounded like she did, so why the fuck would she tell me that she was raped?

'I...I'm...What the fuck is happening?' I lay my head into my hands, trying to sort through the fucked up mess that was my mind.

What the fuck is happening?' I lay my head into my hands, trying to sort through the fucked up mess that was my mind

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