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Change was a thing that everyone either feared or welcomed, no in between

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Change was a thing that everyone either feared or welcomed, no in between. Some decides to stick to their usual lifestyles, comfortable under their safety zone while others begged for a change, wanting their lives to get better.

Yet they couldn't stop fate, the only factor that held them back. You can't change the ending when it was already written, you can't change the past that was already concluded.

Others always said "the future is in your hands" but is it really? They make it sound so easy, as if we could control our own future, not even considering how others could change our own lives with a snap of their fingers.

Jisung was like most people, hating the new people that threatened to enter his life, dreading the change to his lifestyle. The one time he allowed someone in, he was left vulnerable.

The apathetic boy trailed behind his target, teeth playing with his newly pierced lip ring. His hood over his freshly dyed black hair with his hands in his pockets, his dark brown hues piercing through the man.

Turning a corner, he sped up his pace, going closer to his target as they were oblivious towards the murderous boy.

His dark orbs followed the man, hand resting on his knife. Adrenaline pumped through his veins like a rocket fuel, a roller coaster ride of some sort.

Jisung's movements were like a calculated chess game, well thought through and precise. He swiftly grabbed his target by the wrist, turning him around as if they were slow dancing before stabbing the knife right through his abdomen.

The man groaned, looking up into the callous boy's eyes, a look of recognition flashing through his eyes. " Go rot in hell," he dragged, the knife being taken out which made him cry out in pain.

" Hope to see you there!" Jisung exclaimed, feigning enthusiasm yet his face remained blank.

He threw the body onto the floor, leaving a puddle of the man's own blood below it. The metallic smell from the blood gave him a sense of satisfaction, a feeling of triumph, a solution to relieve his stress.

His hoodie stained with the red liquid yet he thought of it more like a decoration than a mess. Blood cascaded down his hand but it wasn't his, not giving a single damn as he took out a cloth before wiping his recently sharpened knife.

He took out his phone, calling for his member, slightly impatient as he waited for them to respond.

" What do you want Sungie," Chenle's jovial voice chirped through the phone, juxtaposing with the situation that the lethargic boy was in.

" Come to the alley opposite the Llukss cafe, there's a body here," he informed, about to hang up before Chenle called his name.

" Wait did you know Chaeyoung and Jaemin are dating now?" He excitedly enlightened, making the boy scoff.

" Well, I don't fucking care," he quipped before hanging up, his lip ring captured between his gritted teeth.

He hated the fact that his member could get a happy ending with his own lover, fate is cruel, very cruel. How about his own happy ending? Did he not deserve one? Maybe.

He decided to not dwell on it as he walked away from the dead body, striding deeper into the caliginous alley, welcoming the darkness that consumed him.

The same detached expression plastered on his face just like the one he had from the start.

The same detached expression plastered on his face just like the one he had from the start

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