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A storm invaded the peaceful night, droplets of water pattering down harshly on the ground

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A storm invaded the peaceful night, droplets of water pattering down harshly on the ground. A series of strong wind roared, resulting in trees tilting towards one side from the impact.

Jisung sat beside Haewon as usual, the drumming from the heavy rain was somewhat calming. His arms crossed on the bed while he rested his head on it.

One of his hands unconsciously grasped on the girl's, tracing stars on her palm. He stared up at her side view, mouth slightly agape as his eyes scrutinized every detail of her face.

The storm acted as some sort of lullaby, lulling the boy into slumber while he tried to force his eyes open.

He had to stay awake, just for one night. It had already been a week, someone could just walk in to inject the substance into the girl. " I'll protect you," he softly mumbled as he straightened his back while a yawn escaped his lips.

Jisung wrapped the blanket they provided around his body, tugging it closer for warmth.

" I can't...let anyone...get to you," he said between yawns, his words slightly dragged out.

He laid back into his position, his eyes growing heavier and heavier. The blurry vision of Haewon was the last thing he saw before he gave up, eyes closing fully and falling into a deep slumber.

It was probably the fact that Jisung was paranoid that made him wake up earlier than he normally would.

The sky wasn't yet painted with those blues and radiant gold of the sunrise, rather it was a light blue kind of colour. The kind when the sun was still in the midst of rising.

Still slightly drowsy, Jisung rose up from his position, arm numb from sleeping on it. A red mark on his arm from where he laid.

Scanning his surroundings, he realised that everything was still intact. 'At least nothing happened,' he thought.

He blinked his drowsiness away before standing up from the seat and stretching his limbs.

" Um...excuse me sir," a soft voice of a girl spoke from the door. Jisung's eyes immediately shot towards the door where the nurse stood with a tray in her hands and a polite smile on her face.

" I need to inject somethings into Haewon as instructed by the doctor and run some tests to make sure that she's okay," she explained, only walking into the room once Jisung had nodded his head.

" Will she be okay?" Jisung asked, watching closely as the nurse sucked some of the medicine into a syringe before injecting it into the tube like thing that transported the liquid into Haewon's body.

" I guess so, she has been doing well so far," she replied, grabbing the next liquid which was more of a bluish green colour. " The doctor said that she may or may not wake up soon."

Jisung nodded mindlessly, his heart slightly fluttering at the thought of meeting her eyes again.

" Thank you," he bowed in gratitude before the nurse left, a small smile unconsciously grazing his lips. A slight hope glistening in his heart at her words.

" Looks like we didn't need the substance after all."

" Yeah I did it," Yona spoke into the phone, a scowl plastered on her face out of annoyance at the demanding leader.

She hadn't even changed out of the ridiculous nurse outfit, the tray with the empty bottle and used syringe still in hand.

" Good, now it should be around 2 hours before she wakes up," the man said from the other side, a smug smirk grazing his lips.

" Yes doctor kim sir," Yona sarcastically drawled out, rolling her eyes as she entered her car before dumping the tray of items at the back seat. " How brilliant of you."

" Watch your attitude," he warned, it was pretty obvious from the way his words came out that he was most probably pissed, his teeth gritted as the sound of his index finger tapping against the arm rest became more prominent. " We can't lose this time."

" Why are you so obsessed with this girl," Yona inquired, placing the call on speaker as the engine came to life; roaring loudly.

" We have our reasons, don't ask. Your job is to do what we say and you have been doing well so stop asking irrelevant questions," the man's voice replied, voice deep and low like giving the girl a strict warning to not test him; reminding her of the authority that he had over her.

" Okay, I was just asking but stay pressed bestie anyways," Yona light heartedly spoke, driving out of the parking lot. " I saw that boy crying in the hallways yesterday, pretty pathetic."

The male hummed from the other side of the call, seeming to be caught up with something else already. " Sir, the delivery is here," a voice in the background sounded.

The man seemed to sit up almost instantaneously as if he had waited for this package for a long time as the sound of a box being placed on his table sounded making Yona curious as to what was happening.

" What did you get?" Yona inquired, staring ahead at the road while her ears perked up, trying to hear more of the quiet conversation that they were having from the other side of the line.

" Your mission," the man vaguely responded. Yona can imagine the smirk on his lips, one hand placed on his lap while the other on his arm rest with his middle finger tapping on it in 5 second intervals.

It was an intimidating sight, yet she always forgot about it due to the few number of times that she actually got to see the leader of the whole gang. Yet, everytime she did, he had that bucket hat covering half of his face.

Yona didn't even know what colour his eyes were or what his nose shape was or how his hair was styled. It was mysterious, even she didn't know why she had accepted to do this job.

But at the same time she was desperate for money which was probably why she actually accepted it.

She chewed at her inner cheek, waiting for the man to elaborate more about what her mission exactly was yet she was only left with silence.

" Come to the hq and I'll tell you more," those were his last words before ending the call making the girl scoff at his vagueness.

But she couldn't do anything about it so she made a u-turn and travelled to the headquarters.

yoo doctor kim huh 👀

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yoo doctor kim huh 👀

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