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The faint streaks of light seeped into the room through the gaps of the roughly drawn blinds

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The faint streaks of light seeped into the room through the gaps of the roughly drawn blinds. It fell onto Yona's face leading to her groaning due to the need to wake up.

She would much rather to continue to sleep in, cooped up under the warm covers of her duvet. That was why instead of getting out of bed, she closed back her eyes and was close to falling asleep again.

Until the piercing ringtone of her phone cut through the air, making her stretch out her hand to grab it.

The specific sound that she had set for that particular person seemed useful at that moment for her sleepy self would have declined it in an instant.

Her boss had one hell of an anger management issue, so if she doesn't pick up the phone within a certain duration — then she probably wouldn't be able to see the light of the day.

Yona let out a yawn, picking up her phone as she rested it on her ear with her eyes still closed.

" Yes, Dora sir?"
" What did you just call me?"

It took a moment for the girl to process what she had said and when she did, she immediately jumped as her body went stiff. " I said Kim, Mr Kim sir."

She could imagine his unconvinced look despite not exactly knowing how he looked like. Well, screw him for calling this early in the morning when she was barely awake.

" Meet me in my office in 5 minutes," that was all he said before he hung up.

" You've got to be kidding me, I could be literally sleeping right now," Yona sighed, bringing an arm over her face.

Disoriented, she was barely able to grasp her surroundings as she sat up, rubbing her eyes off her drowsiness before walking to do her usual routine.

Dressed in a hoodie paired with jeans, she exited her room and walked to Mr Kim's — whom she rather liked to call mysterious Dora — office slash meeting room.

There wasn't much of a difference now from the last visit perhaps just a change of the clothes which one would have thought was the same shirt he had on a few days ago if they didn't look closely enough.

" Have a sit," his deep voice resonated throughout the room, his hand gesturing towards the couch.

Yona complied, calmly walking over to sit down while Mr Kim came to sit opposite her. There was a moment of silence before she cleared her throat awkwardly.

" So...you called me because...?"
" Your mission begins in an hour or so."

The amount of seriousness held in his words made Yona instinctively straighten her back, the usual cheeky smile wiped off from her face.

" We have observed what each of them does from morning to night and we concluded that Chenle will be the easiest target," he explained, putting down a folder which the girl assumed contained the information of what he had observed.

Despite being all in the professional mode, she still couldn't help but crack a joke. " Wow you really pulled a dispatch," she giggled at her own joke; slightly embarrassing if you thought about it, she was basically the only one who was laughing in that room, right in front of her boss at that.

" It's not a laughing matter," he scolded. " Chenle is normally at this bridge during the morning to afternoon period for about an hour or two, so you will go there and do whatever you can to finish your job."

Yona nodded nonchalantly, thinking that it was pretty easy, her job was to just talk, manipulate and gain trust; it wasn't that hard.

" Make sure that you are not being suspicious or anything and do your job right - don't fool around."

" Okay," that was the only thing she said before grabbing the folder that he had passed to her and leaving through the door.

" Okay," that was the only thing she said before grabbing the folder that he had passed to her and leaving through the door

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sorry for being so inactive 😭🤚🏻 and this short asf chapter but i really wanted to update tdy 👊🏻

this chapter was meant to be longer but i decided to cut it into two parts heh 😁

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