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It was nearing winter time, the crisp air nipping at the boy's cheeks as he tugged his jacket closer to his body for more warmth

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It was nearing winter time, the crisp air nipping at the boy's cheeks as he tugged his jacket closer to his body for more warmth. The streets were empty, everyone probably cooped up under their blankets at home, sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate clutched between their hands.

Every breath he took, a cloud of water droplets appeared. His hands dug deep in his pockets, clutching onto a heat pack.

Jisung entered the hospital as usual, heaving a sigh of relief from the warmth inside. He walked through the familiar hallways before taking out a hand from his pocket, grazing at the cool handle of the door.

He twised it, pushing it forward before entering.

" The hell?" The boy muttered as he rushed to Haewon's figure, eyes landing upon the paper that was trapped between her index and middle finger.

Jisung wearily looked around, checking for the presence of a intruder yet he couldn't find any. " They had probably already gone," he harshly mumbled to himself.

He unfolded the note, the cool air from the opened window blowing towards him making him sniffle slightly as he carefully unravelled the paper.

There was only a phrase written, it seemed more of a threat than a riddle - which they had repeatedly gotten over and over again, the ones where they had to read between the lines, blatantly annoying.

If you won't do it in a week, then we will.
- the sacred

" Can't even come talk to us face to face, such cowards," he said through gritted teeth before clicking his tongue.

His gaze wandered over to the peaceful girl, slightly in awe as he watched the moonlight delicately beaming down on her. It felt as if time had ceased as he stared at her, unconsciously hovering his lips over her forehead.

A light peck was enough to show the feelings Jisung had still held for her, the platonic love he had for her. Yet when he snapped out of his daze, his feelings didn't seem to match with his actions, as if he had two different hearts.

" No. I can't love you, but is it really my fault if I can't help it?" his raspy voice resonated through the silent atmosphere. Jisung was sitting on the chair beside the bed, laying his head down as he stared up at Haewon's features.

" I should probably go back to the base and inform then about this..." he trailed off as he folded the paper and placed it into his pocket.

The boy sat back up, leaning back on the chair. Mentally taking a photo in remembrance of the tranquil atmosphere - but mostly the sight of the alluring girl.

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