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" Wait are you sure about that?" Haechan was the first to break the silence

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" Wait are you sure about that?" Haechan was the first to break the silence.

They had moved the conversation outside, allowing Haewon to rest but rather, she was wide awake by now; completely clueless about whatever substance that was supposedly injected in her.

" A nurse injected a blue substance," Jisung softly spoke, which sounded as if he was guilty but he didn't show it. " I didn't give much thought to it but when I asked the doctor about it he said he had no clue."

No one said anything after, not like there was much to say anyways. A heavy silence weighed down on them, each one caught up in their own train of thoughts.

Without saying another word, Jisung walked away from the group, turning a corner with his fist clenched tightly in the pocket of his hoodie.

The rest decided not to follow him, knowing that he needed time to blame himself before he could come back to his senses. Yet they couldn't help but worry for him and the girl in the room.

The thundering impact of the boy's fist coming into contact with the wall resonated throughout the hallways — it was enough to grasp the conflicted state he was in.

Why the hell did I not notice?
If only I stayed awake I would have been more aware.

As if he wasn't going to be sleepy either ways.

His thoughts were just a constant self blaming session, blaming himself for everything that had happen within the past 24 hours.

He didn't cry nor did he shout, he just stood there with his eyes closed and his forehead rested on the wall; his bloodied fist on the wall.

He heaved a long and tiresome sigh, stressed by all the mistakes he had made. But what's done is done, and the least he could do is to stay far away.

Somewhere where he wouldn't be able hurt her.

The rest were having a quiet discussion in the room after eating their lunch, watching out for Haewon as she rested in bed.

It wasn't until 2 hours later when Haewon woke up, feeling lethargic as her vision blurred from the blinding rays of the ceiling light.

She slowly tried to sit up from her position, grimacing at the pain that shot through her body as she pushed herself up with much effort. The shifting sounds of the bedsheets gained the boys' attention, making them turn their heads to see the struggling girl.

They immediately rushed to her and helped her set the pillow behind her, carefully placing her back to lean against the headboard.

She let out a breath of relief as she chugged down the glass of water that Chenle had offered to her, soothing her dry throat.

" So...do you remember anything?" Haechan asked once she had calmed down.

" Um...not really?" Haewon responded yet it sounded more like she was questioning herself as her head pounded from trying to dig out the memory from her mind. " I only remember some woman talking to me before she left and then i hear gun shots and shouts."

" Thats probably when we went to get you," Chenle stated, raising a hand to scratch the back of his neck. " Honestly, it has been a year, I can't exactly remember everything back then," he admitted while everyone else nodded along.

" One year is a lot, so many things has happened in a year," Jeno reminisced for a moment before realising that they were getting side tracked from what they were initially talking about. " Do you remember anything else?"

" I think I managed to untie my bonds and limped out of the room..." Haewon trailed off, unsure of what exactly happened; every memory back then seemed vague and the details long forgotten. " The next thing I know is excruciating pain and my whole body went numb and then everything blacked out."

" Ah...Jisung's dad, honestly forgot about him," Haechan mused.

" But dude do you still remember what the woman said to you or how she looked like?" Mark questioned curiously.

They hadn't exactly heard of a girl in the mafia world before — not stereotyping though, it was just an uncommon thing to see.

" Wait or maybe it could have been a man, I don't really remember but I think I caught a glimpse of a teenaged girl somewhere when I was there too," she finished.

There was a long silence after, not really knowing what to say. They just stared at each other as if having a quiet conversation — and somehow actually understanding each other while Haewon could only sit there and watch.

She was pretty shocked at how much they all had changed over a year, they seemed more mature — which if she was asked one year ago, she would have said that they would stay as childish as those 4 year old kids at playgrounds.

" After I blacked out though, I had this long dream," she quietly started, breaking the silence that felt suffocating to her from the lack of knowledge at the boys' telepathic conversation — something that they could actually have since Jeno was there. " I never really wanted to leave."

" What was the dream about?" Jaemin inquired.

" It was just simply me and Jisung...together, living happily," she stated as a small smile curled on her lips. Yet, soon enough it was replaced with a frown, she definitely did notice his new aura; one that was way more cold and closed off then the last. " But I guess that might never turn into reality."

" And why is that?"
" I don't know, maybe its because i've only seen him for a few minutes but he didn't seem like you know...he didn't seem like he wanted to see me or anything like that," Haewon rambled. " I mean its completely find maybe he is in a bad mood or something not like I'm being selfish I just felt like something was off-is off."

" Woah calm down," Chenle said as he placed a hand gently on her shoulder, careful not to accidentally hurt her.

" Don't think about what's happening now or what had changed, just think about the future that you want with him," Jaemin spoke, the only one who had rights to based off his experience in romantic relationships. " And then all you have to do is fight for it, it might be hard but trust me, it will be all worth it at the end."

He flashed the girl an encouraging smile making her send an awkward one back before looking down at her fingers and fiddling with it. " Yeah, I guess I can try."

" And if everything goes right, at the end, you will have that sweet happy ending you dreamt of."

sorry for the long wait but im planning to publish until chapter 10 before my exams so more updates these few days :)

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sorry for the long wait but im planning to publish until chapter 10 before my exams so more updates these few days :)

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