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Of course it had to be during one of Jisung's break when Haewon woke up

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Of course it had to be during one of Jisung's break when Haewon woke up. Rather than meeting his eyes the first thing once she woke up from her rather long slumber, instead, she was met by the rest of the dreamies.

Disoriented, she wasn't able to comprehend her surroundings, squinting at the blinding light that gleamed down at her.

She tried to raise her arm to shield her eyes but it could only stay by her side, rested on the bed, motionless and numb.

Her body felt like it was burning, her muscles sore and aching - probably from the lack of movement after the long duration.

The boys didn't seem to be aware of the girl's consciousness, busy talking within themselves and playing rock paper scissors to see who would buy lunch.

The chaotic voices of the group was drowned out by the ringing of Haewon's ears, her head pounding and her throat dry.

It was harder than usual to voice out a single word, the voices of the boys turned into a distant noise as she tried to turn her head to look around. She managed to make out the sight of a heart monitor and she was well aware of the wires that were attached to her limbs.

So even though it seemed as if the most easiest thing to conclude; she managed to make out the fact that she was at the hospital.

" Um...guys? I think Haewon is awake..." the voice of the awkward boy spoke, and finally their heads all shot towards the girl's direction.

Haechan was the first to run over, the back of his hand coming into contact with her forehead. " Are you okay? Do you feel good? Are you actually awake?" he blurted as his eyebrows knitted together in concern.

Haewon opened her mouth, wanting to say something but only managing to let out a rough cough in response instead.

" Someone go get a doctor."
" Yo, okay, I got you I got you, I'll go get a doctor," Mark frantically spoke as he walked out, still not believing the fact that the girl was awake.

" Did you lose your ability to talk or something?" Haechan said, confused at her lack of words only to earn a knock in his head.

" She hasn't talk in so long her throat is obviously dry you idiot," Renjun scoffed as he quickly poured a cup of water. " Open wide," he instructed before tipping the cup of water and pouring the liquid into Haewon's mouth.

" I knew that-"
" Yeah sure you did, dumbass."

Haewon felt better even though it wasn't the best, the first few words she croaked out was probably the most awkward thing she had said. " I'm uh fine?" she spoke, her pronounciation slightly off but they were still able to make out what she said.

Talking had never seemed so hard, barely able to make out the right words to say but it was a start.

" Did anyone of you even call Jisung?"
" Oh shit I forgot that he was on break."

That familiar name echoed in Haewon's mind making her heart lurch. She could only look at the boys as they converse between themselves.

" Base."
" No idiot."
" He probably...here...soon..."

She managed to make out from eavesdropping, assuming that they were calling for him - specifically, the boy that she was meant to be with.

She could only let out a pathetic breath, not really being able to do much in her condition.

" So far her vitals seems to be fine, she just needs to get used to-" the doctor's words got cut off by the door slamming wide open, revealing a panting black haired boy.

Jisung's eyes raked over the small crowd that surrounded Haewon, immediately walking over and pushing them away.

When he met her eyes, he felt himself letting out a sigh of relief as he ran his fingers through his sweaty hair.

" As I was saying, Haewon is just not used to speaking or moving after so long so she will need some time to get used to it again," the doctor paused as he scanned the paper on his clipboard. " We will be sending her for some simple sessions with our nurse for rehabilitation before she can be discharged," he finished.

The doctor smiled politely before stepping back to make way for them. " She should probably rest soon as she had just woken up," he informed. " So you should all leave to eat once you've said a few words to her. If you have any inquiries you can meet me outside," the doctor ended before walking towards the door.

" I'll go talk to the doctor..." Jisung mumbled, taking one last glance at the girl before stepping out behind the doctor.

" Excuse me."
" Oh...Mr Park! Is there anything wrong?"

The boy scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, his words getting stuck in his throat as his mind went blank; forgetting what he had wanted to say.

" Oh uh right, thank you a lot for helping Haewon, your nurse injected her with something and she said that it would help her wake up sooner - and it did," Jisung thanked.

Yet instead of a smile curling on the latter's face, the doctor's expression contorted into confusion. " Beg your pardon? I never said anything about Haewon waking up; rather I thought that she was never going to, to be honest," the doctor said, unsure of himself.

Jisung furrowed his eyebrows, bewildered. " But your nurse literally- oh shit," Jisung cursed as realisation dawned upon him. " I'm sorry, I think I heard it wrongly," he apologised, feigning an apologetic smile yet inwardly, he was cursing at himself for not realising it sooner.

The doctor nodded his head lightly in acknowledgement before saying a simple "bye" and heading off.

Jisung's face immediately went pale as he forced his legs to move, stumbling back in the room where Haewon laid.

" Yo dude why are you so pale?" Mark asked, voice filled with concern as he ran over to help the boy stand properly.

And in the most quiet voice that he had ever spoken in, he managed to let out the discovery that he made after talking to the doctor.

" They injected it. They injected the substance."

so i was thinking haewon was wayyy too y/n in alexithymia lmfao idfk why i made her like that but i was thinking to make her more independent ygm

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so i was thinking haewon was wayyy too y/n in alexithymia lmfao idfk why i made her like that but i was thinking to make her more independent ygm

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