Chapter 3: The Mental Arena

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Anastasia and Daniel after kissing each other became the Love birds. They slept together and then they both woke up at night. Anastasia was feeling better. It was clear that they both are in love with each other. Daniel cared so much about Anastasia. Anastasia loved his caring personality. 24 hours ago, both were strangers to each other but now they are in eternal love.

Daniel: Are you feeling better?

Anastasia: Yes Dan.

Daniel: Dinner?

Anastasia: Can we go somewhere? 

Daniel: Yes. Tell me where do you want to go?

Anastasia: I just want to be with you. I will go with you anywhere?

Daniel: Okay I'm booking an Uber you can come to my house. I will tell my cook to make a dinner table for us.

Anastasia: Okay get up we should get changed.

Daniel: Please 10 more minutes?

Anastasia: Yesssss!!!

Daniel took Anastasia to his house. They both were enjoying the peaceful time. 

On the other hand, Alex was in a Mental Asylum and he was new to the rules. Alex was a tall bearded guy and had long hair. He had green eyes like her so-called sister and was blonde. He was handsome but the world said he was mental. The Mental Asylum was big enough and there was an underground Arena where Mentals were brought there to fight each other. We have seen the Normal people fighting but how it feels when the Mentals fight. A young beautiful girl of the Mental Asylum came to Alex's cell. She was a slim lady, looked like in the '20s and had black eyes. Her hair was blonde and she was tall like Alex.

Alex: Who the hell are you?

Women: I'm the Super attendant of this place. The senior one.

Alex: Why the fuck you are here?

Women: To get you to the Arena.

Alex: What Arena?

Women: Leave something for your eyes to see.

Alex: I'm not mental.

Women: I know you are the only one who is not the same as the others.

Alex: Yes I am. What is your name?

Women: Elizabeth.

Alex: Elizabeth...?

Elizabeth: It's just Elizabeth. People call me here Aunt Elizabeth.

Alex: Oh Aunt Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: I'm here to take you to the Mental Arena.

Alex: Let's go to this Mental Arena.

Elizabeth was leading Alex to a Mental Arena and Alex was following Elizabeth. They went to an Underground Place it was huge. It was a caged arena where Mentals fought each other. There was already a match in the process. Elizabeth sat in a spectators place and Alex also sat with her.

Alex: What is this?

Elizabeth: This is the "Mental Arena"

Alex: What are the Rules?

Elizabeth: Very Simple Rules.

Alex: Tell me so-called simple rules.

Elizabeth: There is only one rule. Kill to win.

Alex: Looks like a real battle.

Elizabeth: Wanna fight in there?

Alex: Why Not? But

Elizabeth: But?

Alex: I want the blood of the person I kill.

Elizabeth: Yes Sure we both will drink it.

Alex: No I want that all alone.

Elizabeth: Let's get you there.

Elizabeth led Alex to the caged arena and found an opponent for him. The opponent was Mental Obviously and Alex was a very good fighter. Alex had a good body but the mental person doesn't care he just wants to kill. The fight started and Alex punched the other person so hard that he fainted. Elizabeth poured water on the person to wake him up. He woke up and was trapped in Alex's arms. Alex broke his both arms and looked like the fight is ended but, the rule was to kill to win. Elizabeth passed a knife to Alex. After Alex broke the person's legs he picked the knife and scratched the knife everywhere on the opponent's body. Then he slit his throat. Alex was completely covered in blood. Elizabeth opened the door and tried to say something to him.

Alex: Get me to my cell.

Elizabeth: Wait. What Happened?

Alex: Quickly.

Elizabeth brought Alex to his cell and Alex suddenly sat on the floor, closed his eyes and started saying something like.

Alex: Oh my Lord, Oh my Blood Master, My God, I brought blood for you. 

Elizabeth: What are you doing?

Alex: Get the hell out of here.

Elizabeth went away from there. Elizabeth went to her office and she called the Southern orphanage owner in which Alex lived for 12 years.

Elizabeth: Hey. Are you Mr Mustang of Southern Kids Orphanage?

Mr Mustang: Yes Elizabeth. What happened?

Elizabeth: Mr Mustang I wanted to talk to you about a kid.

Mr Mustang: Yes I can tell you. Who is the kid?

Elizabeth: I want to talk about Alex. Mr Steele the famous Billionaire of the city adopted the kid Alex 12 years ago.

Mr Mustang: I guess you should visit me. This is a very special case.

Elizabeth: When should I come to visit you?

Mr Mustang: Tomorrow at 10 in the morning.

Elizabeth: Thank you, Mr Mustang.

Mr Mustang: Don't tell anyone about Alex.

Elizabeth: Okay Sir.

Elizabeth was anxious about Alex. She was worried about the thing Alex did in his cell. Elizabeth thought that Mr Mustang would know something about Alex. Elizabeth was thinking about how the most famous billionaire adopted a kid when he had a girl child.

Elizabeth asked Mr Mustang about Alex. Mr Mustang couldn't tell that on the call. Mr Mustang Knows something confidential about Alex. is Mr Mustang "The Blood Master"? Is he the real god?is he the fake God? Alex was in his Imagination or it was the reality that he was talking to "The Blood Master". The Blood Master replied or not? If The Blood Master replied was it just Alex's Imagination or reality? Why Alex brought blood for The Blood Master? Maybe The Blood Master drinks blood? Was Alex Mental or it was revenge he was taking? Maybe he was a slave or worshipper of The Blood Master? Was The Blood Master real? Imagination or reality? If The Blood Master was real, is he the God? is he the Fake God?

As Muhammad Ahmad Says, 

"Following someone without knowing them makes you a dog"

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