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Welcome to the sequel/prequel!! Right, lets get on with it!

ONE (Foxy) 

I leaned against the wall of the hallway, hearing the funny screams of that inncoent night guard. Poor dude, only made it to 2am on his first night.

It was Toy Chica who killed him. She walked past me, grinning stupidly. Dang. That cupcake seems to be mocking me with its stupid little eyes.

I shake my head and return to Pirate Cove, where Mangle is grumpily hanging from the ceiling. I do kind of feel bad for her, ripped apart by children. But you know, gotta live with it.

"Hey, Mangle." I said, as I walked past my female counterpart.

"Whatever." She growled at me as I pushed open the curtains. The lights were still on from the day time, and so I turned the lights off quickly.

It was nearly 6 am, and so Mangle slinked into the cove, lying down in the corner grumpily. The bell went for 6 am and I yawned. Night killing is tiring.

The Manager comes in and checks my wires. "All good up in there, Foxy?" The Manager asks. I nod, not feeling any wires which are loose. 

The Manager walks over to Foxy, and I'm about to say that she's grumpy, but the Manager places his hands on his hips, staring down at Mangle. "How about you Mangle?"

Does she look okay? She's been ripped about by five year olds! 

Mangle growls in response and turns to face the wall. The Manager shrugs and heads out of Pirate Cove to check on the others. 

I hear the noise of the staff members arriving, and so I smile to myself, getting ready for the day ahead. Mangle obviously isn't excited about the next 15 hours ahead. I wouldn't either, but we have to deal with it.

I poke my head around the curtain and see Balloon Boy standing with a smile on his face. Not too far away, I can see the Marionette's music box being winded up.

Just then, the door opens and a few families walk in, followed by Drusilla, my sister.

"Hey, Foxy!" She chirps, swinging into the cove. She lives in her own apartment, and she too is an animatronic, but Freddy won't let her live here yet. Says he has to talk to the Boss. 

"How are you?" I ask her, and she smiles. 

"Good, I guess." She looks around and then see's Mangle, who is still facing the wall. "Mangle? Are you good?"

A mumble comes in reply from Mangle and Drusilla shrugs. "Don't worry about Mangle. Y'know that whole kid thing."

Drusilla nods. "Its sad. I'm going to grab some pizza. See ya!" 


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Bye Kittycorns <3

Those Golden Eyes (Prequel of That Crimson Animatronic) Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now