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Chapter Sixteen (Foxy) 

I manage to sneak out unnoticed. The cold hits me as if someone punched me. I still have no idea how to get to Drusilla's house before 6am. 

I start walking, crossing my arms in an attempt to keep myself warm. No I know why humans always wear those fluffy jumpers. I wish I had one now.

"Where are you going?" I hear a female voice behind me and I turn to see Chica jogging towards me, in a human suit as well. 

She has a yellow dress, black fur jacket, black heels, and her yellow hair is tied in a high ponytail. "What are you doing here, Chica?" I ask. 

"Oh. Uh. I come out in my human suit a lot." She says awkwardly, holding her hands in front of her. "You know, shopping?"

I stare at her for a while before nodding and gesturing for her to come. "Just keep quiet, okay? Freddy doesn't need to know." 

"Lets get in my car." Chica chirps, starting to head in the opposite direction.

"A what?" I stare at her for a moment and then run after her. 

"A car." Chica calls over her shoulder.

"How did you get your own?" I ask, looking back over my shoulder.

"Goldie said he had his own and let me borrow it. Said I could keep it." She shrugs and points to a yellow metal container.

"Thats a car?" I stare at it, and then my eyes widen as she opens a bit of metal and goes inside. "Chica?"

Chica pokes her head back out and smiles. "Its fine! There's even music!" 

I stare at her, skeptical, before clambering in after her. Chica looks over at me and then points to some piece of elastic with a bit of metal on the end.

"Put that on. It makes sure you're safe." Chica tells me and I clip the elastic thing into another bit of metal and sit back.

Chica presses a button and music starts filling the 'car'. 

"This song is called 'Uptown Funk.'" She tells me, and the car roars into life. 

I flinch and Chica giggles. "What is happening?" My voice shakes as the car vibrates. 

Chica pulls some sort of lever and reverses the car. "Hold on!" She shrieks, and presses her foot down on the accelerate. 

She holds onto the wheel, grinning. The bit of glass on her side is rolled down, making the wind blow her yellow hair backwards.

"Where are we going?" Chica asks, looking over at me.

"Drusilla's house!" I call, raising my voice so that she can hear me over the wind. 

"I know where that is!" Chica smiles and starts swaying to the music.

I find myself having an enjoyable time, listening to many songs. I look at the tiny digital clock on the.... dashoard, I think Chica said. 1:34am. 

Soon, its 2am, and I feel my head lolling to the side. Thats when the car starts making tiny gasping sounds and then there's a Weeeeerrrreee sound and the car rumbles to a stop.

I jump awake and stare at Chica, whose mouth is in a grim line. Her hair is tangled from the wind, and she's shivering.

"What happened to the car? Is it dead?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. 

"I don't know what happened." Chica shrugs and pushes the metal on her side, stepping out. I push my side of metal open and step out.

The cold encases me and I immediatly start shivering, and I see Chica wrap herself in her fur jacket, trying to keep herself as warm as possible.

"What now?" I stare at the car, and then at the moon, a big ball of yellow-white light looking down at us. 

"We walk!" Chica chirps matter-of-factly.

 "How far is it?" I ask, looking over at Chica. 

"About a one hour walk." Chica tells me, and nods to a road. "We better start walking if we want to make it in time."

We begin walking, and after only five minutes of walking up the tar-mac road, I feel as if my feet might fall off.

"How did I get into this mess?" I murmur, staring at the long walk ahead of us.



I haven't seen Foxy or Mangle or Chica for a long time. They're probably in Pirate Cove. But their absence doesn't keep Freddy from pacing back and forth on the stage. 

"Where could they be?" Freddy asks, half to himself. 

I don't offer my own idea, because Freddy seems to be in one of his dazes. 

Suddenly, Freddy stops. "Goldie!" 


Hoped ya liked! 

Bye Kittycorns <3

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