Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six (Foxy)

When we come into sight of the pizzeria, Freddy and Chica pick up the place, and I follow suite, anxiety clawing at me.

I hope silently that Bonnie and Gold made it back safely, and then I remember that we left BB all alone. He must be freaking out.

We push the heavy doors open and trot in, nervously, and I note that no one has arrived, even though its 7 am.

Freddy takes the lead, Chica shuffling after him, until we get to the stage. Bonnie isn't there.

"There you are!" I hear Bonnie, and I turn to see him coming towards us. "You'll never believe what we found!"

I exchange a glance with Freddy, who shakes his head and shrugs helplessly. Bonnie starts taking us to Gold's den, when BB skirts around the tables and hurtles towards us.

"I was so scared!" He cried out. "I was all alone, and I had no idea where anybody was, and that weird night guard came back-"

"Weird night guard?" Freddy narrows his eyes at Balloon Boy. "How is he weird? Aren't all night guards weird?"

"Night guard.." I mumble. "Night guard!"

Before the others can even ask questions, I scramble hurriedly into Gold's den, nearly crashing into the golden bear.

"What is it now?" He grumbles, glaring daggers at me.

"What did Mangle say about the night guard?" I plead, glancing round wildly.

Gold shakes his head, bewildered. "If you want to find out, fox, go ask the gal herself." He points his finger into the shadows.

I stare puzzled, until I hear the whizzing of gears. I step forward and almost yelp in shock, when I see Mangle, staring at me with those yellow eyes.

"What do you want, Foxy?" She snarls, narrowing her eyes to slits.

"I want to ask about that night guard-" I blurt, only to be cut off by a dry laugh from Mangle.

"Took you long enough to realize that something was going on, eh?" Mangle's eyes glitter from the darkness.

"What do you mean?" I ask, staring at her, totally confused.

"I kept trying to tell you." Mangle snarls. "You didn't believe me. I followed him."

"You... what?" I'm lost now. Is that why she ran and then made us track her down?

"Yes, I followed him." Mangle heaves a sigh. "You know, eh, Chica?"

"Uh, yes, I do." I have no where to look, so I keep my eyes trained on her yellow ones, which are staring at something distant.

"He was the one that did that thing to 'er." Mangle rasped, sounding as if rust had gotten to her gears. "And then he got me, and, I dunno, did something me guess."

I stare at her. Why was she talking so weird?

"Mangle, what did he do to you?" I urge. "Did you find out what he was doing?"

"Oh, yes." Mangle said. "I found out what he was doing, and it ain't good. Oh, no, not good at all."

"What was it?" I ask, shaking all over. I don't like the way that Mangle is speaking, or the way she seems hesitant to tell me about it.

She pauses to think before speaking. "He had a.. knife, me think. Yes, a knife, and he had something..."

Mangle trails off, and I wonder if I should prompt her to go on. But I never get the chance.

She glitches out and goes silent, into shut down. I let out a long sigh and don't even bother going to Freddy.

I return to my Cove, sitting on my stool and letting the darkness take me for a while.



After Foxy leaves, I go and check on Mangle. She'd glitched out and was in shut down, peaceful.

I heard what she said. Well, I couldn't help it, could I?

As I try to fix the human suits which all of the animatronics had given back, my mind keeps going back to what both Foxy and Mangle had said about that Night Guard.

Why were they freaking out over a human? Of course, I heard what Mangle had said about the knife.

Well, I use a knife to make these human suits, don't I? Does that make me weird or crazy? After all, I'm not a night guard.

I become weary and groan, before going into shut down.


I've planned for there to be two more chapters and an Epilogue!

So, we are nearly at the end of another journey!

Thanks everyone <3

Those Golden Eyes (Prequel of That Crimson Animatronic) Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now