Chapter Eight

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Newt's POV

Teddy and I as well as nearly all the other Gladers, rush over to see the commotion.

We rushed over as fast as we could, Teddy's hand in mine, dragging me across the Glade. I nearly fell a few times due to my bum leg, but Teddy immediately was there to help me up.

"Faster!" She kept repeating, only I think she was only telling herself that because it was in whispers and barely audible.

When a bunch of Gladers reached them, we all had shocked expressions on our faces, I'm positive of it. It was clear that it was Ben, on top of the Greenie, thrashing around on the ground, screaming growling, it was so brutal to watch. Everyone was unsure what to do, only knowing that we had to act fast.

Panic ensued me and I let go of Teddy's hand, and grabbing Zart's shovel from his hands. I swung it as hard as a could and it made contact with Ben's head. Ben tumbled off Greenie and the boys jumped onto him, straining him from being any more aggressive and doing more damage.

"What happened!?" Alby exclaims.

"He just attacked me!" The Greenie replies in a screech.

I look around frantically and see Teddy and Chuck helping Greenie to his feet. Chuck embraces him in a small hug, which Greenie seems to appreciate. I turn my attention back to Ben, Gally is now standing over the unconscious body, inspecting him.

I see Winston rush quickly over. "Lift his shirt."

The boys follow his orders and I lean in to take a closer look. "He- he's been..."

"... Stung," Frypan finishes for me, both of us in a daze.

"In the middle of the day?" Chuck says.

Everyone remains silent. "Get him to the pit," Alby directs.

The boys nod and carry him to the pit.

"We'll have to banish him tomorrow," Alby says quietly, sorrow filling his voice.

I feel my heart sink. I'm not very close with Ben, but I knew him well enough to say that he is a good friend and kind person. He doesn't deserve this! I remember the day we lost George, that makes my heart ache thinking about it. These poor innocent kids! We're only kids! Bloody hell, what do these shuckin' creators not understand!

Teddy's POV

"We'll have to banish him tonight when the Doors close," Alby's voice was quiet, but seemingly filled with all the sadness in the world.

I can feel my heart ache and tears dreading to fall. I can feel it in my throat, trying to hold back tears.

Ben must have awaken, because screeches and growls echo from across the Glade, almost unbearable to listen. Some Gladers start heading back to their work but some just stay put, sadness too heavy to carry.

I look over at Chuck and Greenie. Chuck is holding Greenie's hand, they're both staring at the ground. And that makes a tear slip out on accident.

I look over at Newt, head hanging low with his hand grasping onto the shovel he used to save Greenie's life. I walk over to him, and put my hand on his shoulder.

He turns to look at me, only for me to see he's got wet glossy eyes, and a frown hanging from his once beautiful smile.

I grab the shovel from him and toss it on the ground. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. His head sits on my shoulder even though he is a bit taller than me.

"It's going to be okay," I whisper into his ear.

We stay like that for a few moments, comforted by each other's presence.

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