Chapter Thirty

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Holy cow I'm over 1k reads now!!! Words cannot describe how happy and thankful I am!


So many different emotions are flooding through myself right now. The thought of never being able to see, talk, make jokes, with some of my closest friends stings my heart. I just wish I could've done something to help. It makes me feel useless that nothing I could've done would've been enough.

Newt holds me tight, comforting me as Teresa injects the liquid from the syringe. I close my eyes at the sight, watching it makes my stomach lurch.



"Hmm?" I ask rolling onto my side. I must've fallen asleep last night. Groggily, I sit up in the grass where I've fallen asleep, and see Frypan and Chuck in front of me. I rub my eyes, adjusting to the sun and wiping the tears the are dried up. 

Then suddenly I remember.


"Teddy?" I hear Fry say again.

"Huh- oh uh hi," I say, pulling myself out of my own thoughts.

"Thomas is awake, and telling us about what he saw," Chuck says.

Just then I become wide awake. "Well come on then, help me up!" I say while reaching my arms up. Frypan chuckles and rolls his eyes and him and Chuck stand up and yank me to my feet.

"Ahh thanks," I say wiping the grass off my clothes.

I follow the boys as they lead me to the slammer.

"It's not a prison, it's a test," I hear Thomas say as we approach closer to the slammer he's inside. I peer in and see him and Teresa. Minho and Newt are sitting on the outside and I sit next to them. Newt gives me a sad smile that I return.

"It all started when we were kids," Thomas continues. "T-they'd give us these challenges, they were experimenting with us. Then people started disappearing- every month one after the other like clock work."

"Sendin them up to the Maze," Newt concludes.
I look around at my friends. Teresa looks utterly concerned, and angry almost. Minho and Fry look frustrated and I can't read Chuck's expression.

"Yeah, but not all of us," Thomas explains.

"What do you mean?" Newt asks confused.

There was a long silence before Thomas spoke again. "G-guys I'm one of them,"

My eyes grew with shock, and I could feel the anger running through my body.

"The people who put you here, I worked with them."

I feel Newt grab my hand.

"I watched you guys for years! The entire time you've been here- I was on the other side of it."

Tears were forming in my eyes- I seem to always have tears in my eyes. I squeeze Newt's hand. Should I be mad at Thomas? Could I trust him? He's my friend now- and there has to be a reason he's in the Glade.

"...So we're you..." he looks at Teresa, who also has tears in her eyes.

"...What?" She says quietly.

"Teresa we did this to them."

"...No..." she shakes he head gently. "That can't be true."

"It is, I saw it."

Newt releases my hand and runs the back of his neck. I gently place my hand on his shoulder, feeling the need to be close to him.

Teresa's tears start silently falling, which makes my own fall. I hold my other hand to my mouth, covering it and making my nose scrunch up a bit. Tears fall down my face without my control. I feel so tired and sad- I wish everything was just a dream.

"Why would they send us up if we were with them?" Teresa asks, breathing heavily.

"It doesn't matter."

Another silence went around again and nobody made eye contact or spoke.

"He's right," Newt said breaking the silence, everyone looked at him. "It doesn't matter. Any of it. Because the people we were before the Maze don't even exist anymore."

Tears stream down my face at that thought. I don't know why- it just makes me sad.

"These Creators took care of that," he grabbed my hand in his. "But what does matter is who we are now and what we do, right now. You went into the Maze and found a way out!"

"Yeah but if I hadn't- Alby would still be alive," he says, trying to avoid our eyes.

Newt stares at him for a moment. "Maybe..." he says super quietly. "But I know if he were here he would be telling you the exact same thing. Pick you ass up and finish what you started. Cause if we do nothing- then that means Alby died for nothing and I can't have that."

"Okay," Thomas says. "Okay but we gotta get through Gally first."

I smirk, wiping my tears. "Don't worry. I think I've got an idea."

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